RT @Neil_Zee@twitter.com
9:58 PM in Canmore. I was the only one there to see this. The setting moon and the dusky sky were just bonus. #aurora #canmore #HauLing
๐ฆ๐: https://twitter.com/Neil_Zee/status/1650493107543347203
Il membro del Congresso eletto George Santos รจ stato avvistato mentre portava bagagli e borse della spesa nell'appartamento di sua sorella dopo aver rotto il silenzio per confermare un rapporto scioccante secondo cui aveva mentito sulla sua storia lavorativa e sul suo background educativo, ha appres...
#28Dicembre #hauling #silence #congressmanelect
#congressmanelect #silence #hauling #28dicembre
when i was an urban dweller, i did not realize that loading stuff in a truck is a specific skill. now i see that it can even be a thing of beauty.
a friend brought these long waiawi logs for us from her property (we want them to use as trellises), & just look at how well she packed them!
#pickup #hauling #CountryStuff #RuralLife