Watching the new episode of The Haunted Objects Podcast now! This week's episode is about a chicken foot curse 🐔
#podcast #hauntedobjectspodcast #paranormal
"#Bigfoot knows your heart. Much like Jesus." — Greg Newkirk on the #HauntedObjectsPodcast
#bigfoot #hauntedobjectspodcast
Gotta love the duck-call quack over the "fucks" and "shits" on #HauntedObjectsPodcast
Greg and Dana are having so much fun and Connor is just kinda along for the ride
I have spent most of today binge-watching the #HauntedObjectsPodcast and I regret NOTHING
Defending the Mothman: High Strangeness Holiday Special | Episode 005 | Haunted Objects Podcast
#Mothman #Hellier #HauntedObjectsPodcast #HighStrangeness #MothmanProphecies #JohnKeel #MenInBlack #UFO #Cryptid #PointPleasant
#mothman #Hellier #hauntedobjectspodcast #highstrangeness #mothmanprophecies #johnkeel #MenInBlack #ufo #cryptid #pointpleasant
#HauntedObjectsPodcast Episode 3 about the abduction of Betty and Barney Hill was fantastic.
#UFO #Abductees #NewkirkMuseumofTheParanormal
#hauntedobjectspodcast #ufo #abductees #newkirkmuseumoftheparanormal