#Havamal: "Speak not harshly, for harsh words can stir up anger. Choose your words wisely."
#Hávamál (Words of the High One) #Viking Words of Wisdom
“Odin is known for his love and pursuit of wisdom. Another account of this is found in the #Völuspá where #Odin learns of #Ragnarok. To gain wisdom he is known to go to great sacrifice. At one occassion sacrifincing an eye to #Mimir, his uncle and the #Aesir god of good council. That was to be allowed to drink from his well of wisdom at the foot of #Yggdrasil the world tree.”
#yggdrasil #Aesir #mimir #ragnarok #odin #voluspa #viking #havamal
I was rarely mansplained to on the other site, but I managed to net this humdinger. Sometimes the stars just align...
#histodons #havamal #mansplaining
There is absolutely no way to translate the most famous stanza from #Hávamál (Words of Óðinn) to English.
The brevity of the lines is like magic.
Deyr fé, [Dies sheep]
deyja frændur, [dies kin]
deyr sjálfur ið sama. [die ourselves as well.]
En orðstír [But reputation]
deyr aldregi [dies never]
hveim er sér góðan getur. [of them who a good one earns.]
#havamal #norsemyth #norsereligion
#Hávamál (English: /ˈhɔːvəˌmɔːl/ HAW-və-mawl; Old Norse: Hávamál, classical pron. [ˈhɒːwaˌmɒːl], Modern Icelandic pron. [ˈhauːvaˌmauːl̥], ‘Words of Hávi [the High One]’) is presented as a single poem in the Icelandic Codex Regius, a collection of Old Norse poems from the Viking age. The poem, itself a combination of numerous shorter poems, is largely gnomic, presenting advice for living, proper conduct and wisdom. It’s considered an important source of Old Norse philosophy https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/H%C3%A1vam%C3%A1l
#Hávamál (English: /ˈhɔːvəˌmɔːl/ HAW-və-mawl; Old Norse: Hávamál, classical pron. [ˈhɒːwaˌmɒːl], Modern Icelandic pron. [ˈhauːvaˌmauːl̥], ‘Words of Hávi [the High One]’) is presented as a single poem in the Icelandic Codex Regius, a collection of Old Norse poems from the Viking age. The poem, itself a combination of numerous shorter poems, is largely gnomic, presenting advice for living, proper conduct and wisdom. It is considered an important source of Old Norse philosophy
Rhetorical question
Was Odin in Cyber Security?
"Foolish is he who frets at night,
And lies awake to worry
A weary man when morning comes,
He finds all as bad as before"
#havamal #odin #wotan #cybersecurity #norse #punchanazi
I've been working on this lace altar piece for the past month as a dedication to Odin, and it's finished!
This style is called "filet crochet." I designed it myself, edged with a vintage lace pattern. It represents the rune staves falling from Yggdrasil, with the word "Allfather" in elder futhark below it. I listened to a bunch of different audio versions of the #Havamal while crocheting.
#havamal #Pagan #devotionalart #odin
#Odin #Heathen #Havamal #GoodVsEvil
"When you recognize evil, call it evil and give no truce to your enemies".
NO TRUCE to my enemies! No peace with those I fight against.
Old Norse:
"Hvars þú böl kannt,
kveð þú þér bölvi at
ok gef-at þínum fjándum frið."
"Gdzie zło znajdziesz, mień to złym. I nie zostaw wrogów w pokoju." (translated by Apolonia Załuska-Stromberg)
NO TRUCE TO OUR ENEMIES!!! We'll fight to the end: theirs or ours.
#odin #heathen #havamal #goodvsevil
I cannot believe the old Bellows/Thorpe translation of Hávamál 48 is still being copy-pasted by modern publications, wtf.
Please share your favorite slur-free version of this verse, if you have one!
Here's my own take on it:
"Generous, valiant
Men live best,
And seldom nurse a grudge.
An unwise man
Dreads everything,
And the miserly mourns in response to gifts."
"Wer zu Vieles lernt und allzugelehrt ist, der behält nur selten ein heiteres Herz."
Der Spruch entstammt der Havamal (Spruch 55, Übersetzung von Wilhelm Jordan) und ist damit sehr, sehr alt. Schon interessant, was unsere Ahnen schon wussten...
"Wer zu Vieles lernt und allzugelehrt ist, der behält nur selten ein heiteres Herz."
Der Spruch entstammt der Havamal (Spruch 55, Übersetzung von Wilhelm Jordan) und ist damit sehr, sehr alt. Schon interessant, was unsere Ahnen schon wussten...
I need to spend more time reading the poetic edda, especially #havamal. It's just got so much good advice, and I always find something in it that speaks to me.
Also I especially appreciate that it gives me permission to go to bed early every night. #JustHeathenThings #heathenry #pagan #norsepagan
#norsepagan #pagan #heathenry #JustHeathenThings #havamal