Toronto City Budget Rally
WEDNESDAY, February 15, 9am
City Hall
Nathan Phillips Square
100 Queen St. W. Toronto, ON M5G 1P5
Come out to the City Budget Rally on Feb. 15 & tell Council to #HaveAHeartTO! In the face of multiple social crises, we need a city that works for all. A city with a heart is possible. #BudgetTO #TOpoli
#TorontoActions #HousingIsAHumanRight #HousingForAll #HousingNow #ClimateActionNow #JohnToryIsOverParty #JohnTory
#haveaheartto #budgetto #topoli #TorontoActions #housingisahumanright #housingforall #HousingNow #climateactionnow #johntoryisoverparty #johntory