@MuseumSciFi a rather ironic post. Some old school #SF fans into classics who may remember reading #HaveSpaceSuitWillTravel in their youth find the term "SciFi" offensive.
I read #SFF, Speculative fiction, fantasy, #SF and #SpaceOpera but not #SciFi
#sf #havespacesuitwilltravel #sff #spaceopera #scifi
RT @authoragibson
Sci-fi fans, don't miss out on #RobertAHeinlein's masterpiece #HaveSpaceSuitWillTravel. My review dives into why this classic is a must-read: https://andrewggibson.com/2023/01/20/robert-a-heinlein-have-space-suit-will-travel/ #sciencefiction #bookreview
#bookreview #sciencefiction #havespacesuitwilltravel #robertaheinlein
RT @authoragibson
Sci-fi fans, don't miss out on #RobertAHeinlein's masterpiece #HaveSpaceSuitWillTravel. My review dives into why this classic is a must-read: https://andrewggibson.com/2023/01/20/robert-a-heinlein-have-space-suit-will-travel/ #sciencefiction #bookreview
#robertaheinlein #havespacesuitwilltravel #sciencefiction #bookreview
Daily Dose of Anti-Corona Humor
#havespacesuitwilltravel #flyingcars #yearofthevarients #anticoronahumor