How does #Hawking #Radiation REALLY work?
"Nothing can escape #BlackHoles, yet somehow they can lose #Mass by emitting #HawkingRadiation?!" - #TheScienceAsylum
#ScienceAsylum #NickLucid #Physics #Astrophysics #Conservation #Information #ConservationOfInformation #Energy #ConservationOfEnergy #QM #QuantumMechanics #QuantumPhysics #QFT #QuantumFieldTheory #FieldTheory #QuantumField #QuantumFields #Spacetime #VirtualParticles #Evaporation
#evaporation #virtualparticles #spacetime #quantumfields #quantumfield #fieldtheory #QuantumFieldTheory #qft #quantumphysics #quantummechanics #qm #conservationofenergy #energy #conservationofinformation #information #conservation #astrophysics #physics #nicklucid #scienceasylum #thescienceasylum #hawkingradiation #mass #blackholes #radiation #hawking
We kicked off with a new thematic programme on #SpectralTheory 2 weeks ago, but the 1st focus week is happening 🔜.
Are you joining? 😉
As you could expect, you can reach the schedule and more at and the talks on our YT Channel at
#GeneralRelativity #HawkingRadiation #StationarySpacetimes #HilbertSpaces
(Visit Twitter for the video:
#hilbertspaces #stationaryspacetimes #hawkingradiation #generalrelativity #SpectralTheory
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again:
If the universe does turn out to be the inside of a #blackHole (or have similar characteristics) and #darkEnergy does turn out to be #HawkingRadiation as seen from the inside, slowly reducing gravitational force within the #CosmologicalHorizon (or more broadly), then it really should be renamed HAWKING-UP radiation.
#CosmologicalHorizon #hawkingradiation #darkenergy #blackhole
“That means that objects without an event horizon, such as the remnants of dead stars and other large objects in the universe, also have this sort of radiation. And, after a very long period, that would lead to everything in the universe eventually evaporating, just like black holes. This changes not only our understanding of Hawking radiation but also our view of the universe and its future.” ~ Heino Falcke
#theend #evaporation #hawkingradiation
“That means that objects without an event horizon, such as the remnants of dead stars and other large objects in the universe, also have this sort of radiation. And, after a very long period, that would lead to everything in the universe eventually evaporating, just like black holes. This changes not only our understanding of Hawking radiation but also our view of the universe and its future.” ~ Heino Falcke
“That means that objects without an event horizon, such as the remnants of dead stars and other large objects in the universe, also have this sort of radiation. And, after a very long period, that would lead to everything in the universe eventually evaporating, just like black holes. This changes not only our understanding of Hawking radiation but also our view of the universe and its future,” ~ Heino Falcke
#FredAdams - The #Physics of #Eternity
#Philosophy #PhilosophyOfScience #Cosmology #PhilosophyOfCosmology #Infinity #Time #BigBang #ProtonDecay #Matter #Antimatter #Hawking #StephenHawking #HawkingRadiation #BlackHole #BlackHoles #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #blackholes #blackhole #hawkingradiation #stephenhawking #hawking #antimatter #matter #protondecay #bigbang #time #infinity #PhilosophyOfCosmology #cosmology #philosophyofscience #philosophy #eternity #physics #fredadams
Anton Petrov
Where Are All The Alien Robots? Hart-Tipler Conjecture and What It Gets Wrong
#AntonPetrov #alien #blackHole #colonisation #FermiParadox #FrankTipler #HartTiplerConjecture #HawkingRadiation #KardashevScale #megastructure #PenroseProcess #SETI #vonNeumanMachine
#antonpetrov #alien #blackhole #colonisation #fermiparadox #franktipler #harttiplerconjecture #hawkingradiation #kardashevscale #megastructure #penroseprocess #seti #vonneumanmachine
Deflector mn+198(d3)
Fast radio b.interference n. gf/par-sec/17
#astronomicalunit #void #blackmass #gravitar #astrophotography #progressive #sculpture #art #inspiredby #eventhorizon #nebulae #localgroup #gravitationalwaves #hawkingradiation #seti #nasa #iss #moon #solarsystem
#solarsystem #moon #iss #nasa #seti #hawkingradiation #gravitationalwaves #localgroup #nebulae #eventhorizon #inspiredby #art #sculpture #progressive #astrophotography #gravitar #blackmass #void #astronomicalunit
Pulsar selector mn+198(b3)
Fast radio b.interference n. gf/par-sec/17
#astronomicalunit #void #blackmass #gravitar #astrophotography #progressive #sculpture #art #inspiredby #eventhorizon #nebulae #localgroup #gravitationalwaves #hawkingradiation #seti #nasa #iss #moon #solarsystem
#solarsystem #moon #iss #nasa #seti #hawkingradiation #gravitationalwaves #localgroup #nebulae #eventhorizon #inspiredby #art #sculpture #progressive #astrophotography #gravitar #blackmass #void #astronomicalunit
Fast radio b.interference n. gf/par-sec/17
#astronomicalunit #void #blackmass #gravitar #astrophotography #progressive #sculpture #art #inspiredby #eventhorizon #nebulae #localgroup #gravitationalwaves #hawkingradiation #seti #nasa #iss #moon #solarsystem
#solarsystem #moon #iss #nasa #seti #hawkingradiation #gravitationalwaves #localgroup #nebulae #eventhorizon #inspiredby #art #sculpture #progressive #astrophotography #gravitar #blackmass #void #astronomicalunit
Chandrashekarlimit j590021/k5319
#astronomicalunit #void #blackmass #gravitar #astrophotography #progressive #sculpture #art #inspiredby #eventhorizon #nebulae #localgroup #gravitationalwaves #hawkingradiation
#hawkingradiation #gravitationalwaves #localgroup #nebulae #eventhorizon #inspiredby #art #sculpture #progressive #astrophotography #gravitar #blackmass #void #astronomicalunit
5942 AU, Stellar mass deflector
#chandrashekarlimit #astronomicalunit #void #blackmass #gravitar #astrophotography #progressive #sculpture #art #inspiredby #eventhorizon #nebulae #localgroup #gravitationalwaves #hawkingradiation
#hawkingradiation #gravitationalwaves #localgroup #nebulae #eventhorizon #inspiredby #art #sculpture #progressive #astrophotography #gravitar #blackmass #void #astronomicalunit #chandrashekarlimit
Quantum Man
This week’s reading is Quantum Man by Clifton Rumsey. Its themes are gravity, Hawking radiation, Planck's constant, probability, superposition, tunneling and Young's double slit experiment.
#audiobooks #creativecommons #flashfiction #gravity #Hawkingradiation #Planck'sconstant #probability #quantumphysics #superposition #tunneling
#superposition #audiobooks #creativecommons #flashfiction #gravity #hawkingradiation #planck #probability #quantumphysics #tunneling
Two Words
This week’s reading is Two Words by Nick Maslov. Its themes are proton decay, Hawking radiation, tunneling and randomness. Length about ten minutes. Listen to this and other stories o
#Hawkingradiation #protondecay #randomness #tunneling
#protondecay #tunneling #hawkingradiation #randomness
#SethLloyd - What Happens in #BlackHoles ?
#Science #Physics #BlackHole #Singularity #BlackHoleSingularity #ConservationOfInformation #InformationFirewall #VirtualParticle #VirtualParticles #Hawking #HawkingRadiation #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #hawkingradiation #hawking #virtualparticles #virtualparticle #informationfirewall #conservationofinformation #blackholesingularity #singularity #blackhole #physics #science #blackholes #sethlloyd
Scientists Simulated a Black Hole in The Lab, And Then It Started to Glow
#Science #BlackHole #physics #Hawking #HawkingRadiation
#science #blackhole #physics #hawking #hawkingradiation
A new way to Confirm Hawking's Idea That Black Holes Give off Radiation #quantumentanglement #hawkingradiation #blackholes
#quantumentanglement #hawkingradiation #blackholes
So, it is possible that black holes have soft hair. :-) An article on Stephen Hawking's final scientific paper.
#StephenHawking #HawkingRadiation #BlackHoles #Entropy #NoHairTheorem #Physics
#stephenhawking #hawkingradiation #blackholes #entropy #nohairtheorem #physics