La case du jour !
27 Août,
Aquaman n°44 (1998),
De Peter David, Bill Mumy, Jim Calafiore, Peter Palmiotti, Tom McCraw et Albert DeGuzman.
Le couple Garrick et le couple Scott portent un toast aux amis partis.
Et après, ils vont danser.
L'amour n'a pas d'âge, et c'est trop bien.
#aquaman #justicesociety #justicesocietyofamerica #Comics #comicbooks #comicart #comicbook #alanscott #jaygarrick #flash #greenlantern #hourman #hawkman #hawkgirl #hawkwoman #drmidnite #atom #drfate #bandedessinee
#aquaman #justicesociety #justicesocietyofamerica #Comics #comicbooks #comicart #comicbook #alanscott #jaygarrick #flash #greenlantern #hourman #hawkman #hawkgirl #hawkwoman #drmidnite #atom #drfate #bandedessinee
I did leave one lasting mark on #Wikipedia in my time as an editor there: I was the one who came up with the structure of separating publication history from character biographies for fictional characters, because otherwise explaining #Hawkman's history in a way even remotely comprehensible was just undoable.
I believe this is where it happened:
(I was not very happy with the term "Fictional Biography" and changed it later in other entries - maybe first for the #Flash? - to "Fictional Character Biography", which arguably was even worse. I'd probably go with "Character Biography" today. But lots of other people ran with my terminology, so I guess it didn't suck too badly.)
Hello Famichiki #Mastodon! Hoping to follow whoever favorites or boosts my posts for the first few days while I build my base!
#American 🇺🇸
#Florida 🐊
#Japan 🇯🇵
#日本語 🈳
#Christianity ✝️
#Baptist ⛪
#tennis 🎾
#FloridaSports 🏟️
#JacksonvilleJaguars 🏈
#OrlandoMagic 🏀
#TampaBayRays ⚾
#OrlandoCitySC ⚽
#MiamiHurricanes 🌀
#FukuokaSoftbankHawks ⚾
#KagoshimaUnitedFC ⚽
#cats 😾
#Democrat 🐎
#PresidentJoeBiden 🇺🇸
#Hawkman 🦅
#books 📚
#JamesMichener 📚
#MineCraft 🎮
#mastodon #introductions #american #Florida #japan #日本語 #christianity #baptist #Tennis #floridasports #jacksonvillejaguars #orlandomagic #tampabayrays #orlandocitysc #miamihurricanes #fukuokasoftbankhawks #kagoshimaunitedfc #cats #democrat #presidentjoebiden #hawkman #books #jamesmichener #minecraft
#pridemonth #justiceleague #dccomics #elseworlds #hawkman #lgbtqia #clubwear #1990s
Daily Sketch Challenge 18/04/23: Hawkman (again)
Hawkman has no sense of humour, and didn't like that he didn't get to be in his own daily sketch challenge, and thanks to his post-Crisis broken continuity and his Nth metal gear, he was able to escape and come looking for me. Luckily I'm a jump ahead of him.
#hawkman #dailysketchchallenge #superhero #katarhol #carterhall
#hawkman #dailysketchchallenge #superhero #katarhol #carterhall
Daily Sketch Challenge 18/04/23: Hawkman (sort of)
"Stop! You've both gone stark raving mad! I, as the wingéd wonder from the planet Thanagar, will use my super-ability to converse with birds, and summon a pair of woodpeckers who can then PICK THE LOCK!!!! (mask down) BrrrrrrrAP! BrrrrrrrAP!"
Geoffrey Palmer in Whoops Apocalypse. It makes sense in context.
#hawkman #carterhall #katarhol #whoopsapocalypse #davidowen #dailysketchchallenge
#hawkman #carterhall #katarhol #whoopsapocalypse #davidowen #dailysketchchallenge
New blog post: Hawkman is the "Dayenu" of the DC Universe
#Hawkman #DCU #Comics
Just arrived today! #BlackAdam's #Hawkman picture with #AldisHodge's autograph!
This makes the 3rd of my collection with #MichaelShanks' autograph from Smallville and #Falk'Hentschel's autograph from LoT. Still hoping to find or get Bill Nuckols someday! #DCComics
#hawkworldcollection #blackadam #hawkman #AldisHodge #michaelshanks #falk #dccomics
#Funko #Hawkman (the infamous Hakwman version) and #Hawkgirl #DCComics
#hawkworldcollection #funko #hawkman #hawkgirl #dccomics
Happy Wedding Anniversary to #Hawkman and #Hawkgirl! Here is my anniversary video that I made a few years ago with Billy Idol's White Wedding.
#DCComics #weddinganniversary
#hawkman #hawkgirl #dccomics #weddinganniversary
Today’s the wedding anniversary of Hawkman and Hawkgirl.
(Art by Dario Brizuela.)
#1976DCCalendar #Hawkman #Hawkgirl #JusticeLeague #JusticeSociety #ScoobyDoo #DCComics
#1976dccalendar #hawkman #hawkgirl #justiceleague #justicesociety #scoobydoo #dccomics
Putting together another Hawkworld podcast for maybe this week. If you have any questions, send them to me and I'll do my best to answer them!
#Hawkman #Hawkgirl #Hawkwoman #DCComics #podcast
#hawkman #hawkgirl #hawkwoman #dccomics #podcast
As I get older, I reminisce more than I used to, and the options for the future are fewer. The coulda-shoulda-wouldas increase. The goal line is closer than the start. One thing that keeps me young is being a #Hawkman fan. My heart beats faster with every adventure. Keep soaring.