Watching #HawkTheSlayer. There's a scene where a group of murderous priests try to sacrifice a Dwarf on a holy river by tying him to a raft full of wood & shooting flaming arrows at it. Then Hawk shows up & helps the Dwarf escape, while the Dwarf complains about hating water.
This feels an awful lot like an inspiration for the scenes with Fulk - King Richard's little-person jester, who fears water and is held captive in a swamp by evil monks - in #ConquestsofTheLongbow. #sierra #adventuregames
#hawktheslayer #conquestsofthelongbow #sierra #adventuregames
I’ve just discovered that this an actual thing!
You have to be of a certain age to think the original Hawk the Slayer film was a ‘classic’.
Which I am and unashamedly do.
The film was the very essence of my local vhs rental place back when I was a kid and this was one of the first films I was allowed to rent! (‘Escape to Victory’ was the first but I digress…)
I can practically smell that place by just thinking of the film.
#comics #hawktheslayer #garthennis #2000ad
More than 40 years have passed since the cinematic release of the fantasy epic 'Hawk the Slayer'. Humankind is still no closer to understanding its wondrous secrets. Hope still remains. Somewhere out there is a useless idealistic kid who's delusional sense of purpose will lead to a series of improbable events that will temporarily suspend the onslaught of evil.
Only 128 minutes of Hawk the Slayer to go. I must make each of them count for something. Now only 126 minutes of Hawk the Slayer to go.
I am actually watching Hawk the Slayer.
#hawktheslayer #iamactuallywatchinghawktheslayer
Bonus: #HawkTheSlayer
#hawktheslayer #itsawonderfullife #WingsOfDesire #bladerunner #onhermajestyssecretservice #OnceUponATimeInTheWest #hisgirlfriday #thebigsleep #7filmstoknowme
In a good example of the fundamental failure of Amazon's capability for selling #comics - it appears they have kindle versions of issues 1, 2 and 4 of the #HawkTheSlayer comic, but not issue 3.