Mark your calendars for May 13 to experience the free Art of San Quentin exhibit at the Healing Gardens. Experience visual art, live performances, and video installations. Two free walking tours are available by online reservation, and the spots are filling quickly.
#art #radium #stiizy #alameda #DIgifli #OpenStudios #TaraPilbrow #HealingGarden #HawthornSuites #ArtOfSanQuentin #CalafiaTaqueria #FeatheredOutlaw #TheFiresideLounge #WestEndArtsDistrict
#art #radium #stiizy #alameda #digifli #openstudios #tarapilbrow #healinggarden #hawthornsuites #artofsanquentin #calafiataqueria #featheredoutlaw #thefiresidelounge #westendartsdistrict
In an effort to meet extreme need for affordable housing, the Housing Authority of Alameda offers new units for rent, with more on the way.
#Brief #Alameda #Housing #RicaVista #PulteHomes #AlamedaPoint #HawthornSuites #HousingAuthority
#brief #alameda #housing #ricavista #pultehomes #alamedapoint #hawthornsuites #housingauthority