#10yrsago #WilWheaton’s funny, raunchy comedy set http://www.alphageekradio.com/2013/07/ag-radio-w00tstock-50-story-time-with.html
#10yrsago Raising a daughter not to be ‘nice’ https://archive.nytimes.com/parenting.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/07/31/i-do-not-want-my-daughter-to-be-nice/
#10yrsago Titanic lump of fat & wet-wipes dislodged from sewer https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2013/08/london-fatberg-17-ton-ball-of-fat-found-in-london-s-sewer.html
#10yrsago The From Hell Companion, including 7-year-old #HayleyCampbell’s gory ways-to-die drawings https://memex.craphound.com/2013/08/05/the-from-hell-companion-including-7-year-old-hayley-campbells-gory-ways-to-die-drawings/
#10yrsago Making sense of “#Beanish,” #XKCD’s synthetic language https://beanishlang.wordpress.com
#10yrsago #wilwheaton #hayleycampbell #beanish #xkcd
New Virtual Memories #substack! This one's got a new ep. on #AmyClampitt, links by/re #EddyPortnoy #HayleyCampbell @christopher_brown #JerrySaltz #anhedonia #KungFuNuns, a reconfigured library & more, so go read, share & subscribe:
#substack #amyclampitt #eddyportnoy #hayleycampbell #jerrysaltz #anhedonia #kungfununs
FYI, my US-based pals: one of my fave books of last year, #HayleyCampbell’s ALL THE LIVING AND THE DEAD, is a Kindle deal today. It’s astonishingly good, and may reframe how you look at mortality and life, so go read it https://www.amazon.com/All-Living-Dead-Executioners-Exploration-ebook/dp/B09CNFH5WG