I don't know. I know that #Hayter are a well respected name in the #lawnmower field, but I don't know why they thought that hanging the rear axle from a plastic moulding was a good idea. This is going to be a bit of a bugger to fix
#aew is on 🔥 right now. What a great episode of #aewdynamite. #Hayter is queen and NO TITLE IS SAFE IN #AEW
That may have been the best AEW women’s title match since Britt lost the title to Thunder Rosa. HELL of a match! 🤘🏽
#aew #aewdynamite #shida #hayter
#aew #aewdynamite #shida #hayter
This has been an awesome main event! #Shida and #Hayter are killing it on #AEWDynamite!
This has been an awesome main event! #Shida and #Hayter are killing it on #AEWDynamite!
These ladies are THROWING DOWN! 💪🏽
#shida #hayter #aew #aewdynamite
#shida #hayter #aew #aewdynamite
Let's go! #Shida vs #Hayter in the main event of #AEWDynamite! Been looking forward to this match all week!
Let's go! #Shida vs #Hayter in the main event of #AEWDynamite! Been looking forward to this match all week!
This was a really good promo/interview for #ToniStorm! I am a HUGE Jamie #Hayter fan but Storm is also amazing. I am super interested to see where Toni will go from here.
This was a really good promo/interview for #ToniStorm! I am a HUGE Jamie #Hayter fan but Storm is also amazing. I am super interested to see where Toni will go from here.
#aew #aewrampage #aewdynamite #tonistorm #hayter