Keeping that big krakun's maw nice and clean is a full time job. Here, Koro is being helpful and angling his tongue to prop me up so I can scrub more comfortably. Part 5 of the krakun pampering series.
Higher res on FA:
#HayvenCelestia #Vore #Mawplay #Tongue #Mouth #Cat #Dragon #Geordian #Krakun #SizeDifference #Macro #Micro #Cleaning #Scrubbing
#hayvencelestia #vore #mawplay #tongue #mouth #cat #dragon #geordian #krakun #sizedifference #macro #micro #cleaning #scrubbing
Stix has a light up tongue stud, and a small fox friend and I wanted to get a closer look. The cute ringel reluctantly allowed us to crawl into his mouth and have a look around. I figured I'd try using it as a crystal ball and tell Fox's fortune. Pretty cozy and warm on that tongue too <3
Fox is FoxAmoore
Art by SixSydes
Stix belongs to RickGriffin and is a character from his books Traitors, Thieves & Liars and The Captain's Oath
#HayvenCelestia #Stix #Ringel #Cat #Fox #Macro #Micro #Maw #Mouth #Tongue #Mawplay #Vore #TongueStud #LED #CrystalBall #FortuneTeller #Silly #SixSydes #FurryArt
#hayvencelestia #stix #ringel #cat #fox #macro #micro #maw #mouth #tongue #mawplay #vore #tonguestud #led #crystalball #fortuneteller #silly #sixsydes #furryart
Another service I offer to the big krakun is a thorough scrubbing and massage of the bottoms of all four of his paws. (I might sneak in a few hugs and snuggles into the mainpad and toes)
Art by SixSydes
Story in FA post
#HayvenCelestia #Krakun #Geordian #Cat #Dragon #Macro #Micro #SixSydes #FurryArt #Nsfw
#hayvencelestia #krakun #geordian #cat #dragon #macro #micro #sixsydes #furryart #nsfw
More fun services I'm providing for the big guy. Commissioner Korokostäk has been getting quite a lot of pampering from this little feline!
Short story in the FA post.
Art by SixSydes
#NSFW #FurryArt #Macro #Micro #HayvenCelestia #Krakun #Geordian #Cat #Dragon #Dick #Cock #Penis #Bodyjob
#nsfw #furryart #macro #micro #hayvencelestia #krakun #geordian #cat #dragon #dick #cock #penis #bodyjob
Another Hayven Celestia pic by SixSydes. Technically this is getting posted out of order but this particular art pairs with the previous one. The big krakun chipped a tooth on a utensil while chowing down carelessly, and paid me a visit to patch the tooth up. He even is giving me a cuddle with that trifurcated tongue tip of his while I work. (The krakun, Commissioner Korokastäk, is normally outwardly indifferent and a little grumpy, but with his mouth closed, he does show me some affection with his tongue since no one can see what's going on in there.)
And no I'm in no danger of being swallowed. Just using the vore tag because some people search for mawplay under that tag, hehe.
As usual, I wrote up a story to go along with the pic in the FA link.
#HayvenCelestia #Krakun #Geordian #Cat #Dragon #Macro #Micro #Tongue #Maw #Vore
#Dentistry #Saliva #Cozy #SixSydes #FurryArt
#hayvencelestia #krakun #geordian #cat #dragon #macro #micro #tongue #maw #vore #dentistry #saliva #cozy #sixsydes #furryart
Part one of a series of art I've commissioned from SixSydes featuring myself as a geordian (alien cat species) in service to an enormous dragon-like character known as a krakun within the Hayven Celestia universe created by @rickgriffin. Much more detailed post and story included in the FA link.
Also seriously, there's lots of amazing books and art in the HC universe. Go check 'em out!
#HayvenCelestia #Cat #Dragon #Geordian #Krakun #Mawplay #Vore #Macro #Micro #Tongue #Cleaning #OralHygeine
#hayvencelestia #cat #dragon #geordian #krakun #mawplay #vore #macro #micro #tongue #cleaning #oralhygeine