First-Ever Award For Natural Resource Restoration By FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Program
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #puertorico #coral #hurricane #hurricanemaria #naturalhazard #naturaldisasters #mitigation #spatialanalysis #hazardmitigation #fema #coralreefs #coralrestoration #coraldisease #earthquakes #storm #stormsurge #extremeweather #stonycoral #restoration #sanjuan #naturalresource #coast #coastal #coastalengineering #coastalprotection #coastalcommunities #funding #waveenergy #artificialreef #marine #nearshore #shoreline #currents
@femaregion2 @usgs
#gis #spatial #mapping #PuertoRico #coral #hurricane #hurricanemaria #naturalhazard #naturaldisasters #mitigation #spatialanalysis #hazardmitigation #fema #coralreefs #coralrestoration #coraldisease #earthquakes #storm #stormsurge #extremeweather #stonycoral #restoration #sanjuan #naturalresource #coast #coastal #coastalengineering #coastalprotection #coastalcommunities #funding #waveenergy #artificialreef #marine #nearshore #shoreline #currents
The Places In The U.S. Most At Risk For Extreme Rainfall
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #climatechange #planning #infrastructure #design #data #people #administration #disasterriskreduction #disastermanagement #hazard #hazardmitigation #rainfall #precipation #USA #model #modeling #CONUS #flood #flooding #impacts #extremeweather #estimates #frequency #nationwide #severity #NOAA #Atlas14 #estimates
#FirstStreetFoundation #NOAA
#gis #spatial #mapping #climatechange #planning #infrastructure #Design #data #people #administration #DisasterRiskReduction #DisasterManagement #hazard #hazardmitigation #rainfall #precipation #USA #model #modeling #conus #flood #flooding #impacts #extremeweather #estimates #frequency #nationwide #Severity #noaa #atlas14 #firststreetfoundation
For those with an interest...
#emergencymanagement #hazardmitigation #riskreduction #emergencplanning
#emergencymanagement #hazardmitigation #riskreduction #emergencplanning
Food for thought...the article focuses on the Houston area, but the broader topics are applicable for communities across the country.
#emergencymanagement #hazardmitigation #riskreduction #flooding
#emergencymanagement #hazardmitigation #riskreduction #flooding
Working with many small, often rural communities has led to me to ponder similar questions.
Interesting ideas ripe for pushing a necessary conversation forward.
#emergencymanagement #emergencymanager #preparedness #emergencyplanning
#risk #riskreduction #hazardmitigation
#emergencymanagement #emergencymanager #preparedness #emergencyplanning #risk #riskreduction #hazardmitigation
When #planning, I'm big on making things measurable. Michael Wilkinson's guidance to use INFINITE verbs for goals, QUANTITY verbs for objectives, and FINITE verbs for projects has been helpful for not just strategic planning, but also #emergencymanagement planning.
It may sound like semantics, but really working w/ stakeholders to be selective about the wording in action plans has increased buy-in, understanding, and likely implementation.
#planning #emergencymanagement #hazardmitigation #preparedness #businesscontinuity
Kudos for looking at #flood #hazardmitigation as part of a larger infrastructure, and I'm very glad to see an emphasis on nature-based solutions.
But phases like "...bend it (water) our will" concern me.
#flood #hazardmitigation #emergencymanagement #greeninfrastructure #riskreduction
Multimodal Multiscale Characterization Of Cascading Hazard On Mountain Terrain [Nepal]
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #Nepal #pluvial #precipitation #rain #snow #mountain #terrain #water #hydrology #sediment #risk #hazard #himalayas #hazardmitigation #riskmanagement #floods #flooding #massmovement #landslides #geomorphology #engineeringgeology #debrisflows #erosion #economy #infrastructure #publicsafety #model #modeling #prediction #engineering #solutions #hydroclimate
#gis #spatial #mapping #Nepal #pluvial #precipitation #rain #snow #mountain #terrain #water #hydrology #sediment #risk #hazard #himalayas #hazardmitigation #riskmanagement #floods #flooding #massmovement #landslides #geomorphology #engineeringgeology #debrisflows #erosion #economy #infrastructure #publicsafety #model #modeling #prediction #engineering #solutions #hydroclimate
There’s a lot of talk about Seattle’s earthquake risk as Turkey endures disaster. We have a non-zero chance of a major quake in our lifetime in this part of the country. We also have a volunteer network working VERY hard to train people to help each other stay informed and safe when it hits. Meet the Seattle Hub Network:
#disasters #earthquakes #hazardmitigation #MutualAid #DisasterPrep #seattle #DisasterComms #ClimateAdaptation #EmergencyHubs
#emergencyhubs #climateadaptation #disastercomms #seattle #disasterprep #mutualaid #hazardmitigation #earthquakes #disasters
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I'm a believer in #hazardmitigation
It's what got me into #emergencymanagement. I always enjoy going out into the communities my firm supports, talking with those most benefitted by risk reduction, and listening to their ideas.
#hazardmitigation #emergencymanagement
As more cities face existential floods, they'll have to hustle to build defenses before waters rush in.
But the mere threat of future flooding can destroy them financially before they ever get the chance to build infrastructure.
One community’s race against the clock:
#climatechange #climateaction #infrastructure #levee #risingseas #flooding #naturaldisasters #hazardmitigation #adaptation #washington #graysharbor
#graysharbor #washington #adaptation #hazardmitigation #naturaldisasters #flooding #risingseas #levee #infrastructure #climateaction #climatechange
Here is the link to the OSU Climate Change Research Institute's page where you can access the full report, executive summary, and individual chapters:
#Oregon #climatechange #disasterriskreduction #hazardmitigation
#oregon #climatechange #DisasterRiskReduction #hazardmitigation
For Oregon, it's hotter, drier summers and wetter, colder winters; more high wind events; impacts on agriculture and forestry; with greater impacts on indigenous, vulnerable, and marginalized communities in the coming years and decades. We need to adapt now while making serious efforts to change the fossil fuel and extractive industries--the worst contributors to climate change.
#climatechange #Oregon #disasterriskmanagement #hazardmitigation
#climatechange #oregon #disasterriskmanagement #hazardmitigation
I'm a believer in #hazardmitigation. Here's a nice, compact resource to make sense of the mitigation planning process. The worksheets section can be particularly helpful.
Beyond the Basics is the result of a five-year study from the Coastal Hazards Center and the Center for Sustainable Community Design. Put research into practice!
#hazardmitigation #emergencymanagement #research
I get real excited when people talk about the wild land-urban interface I can't help it I'm a WUI Girl 🏘️🎄🐻
#ecology #wui #wildlife #UrbanEcology #WildlandUrbanInterface #hazardmitigation #wildlifemanagement #wildfire
#wildfire #wildlifemanagement #hazardmitigation #wildlandurbaninterface #urbanecology #wildlife #wui #ecology
RT #COP15 #EcosystemServices #NCPs #Values What nature provides, greatest provision per sq. km: Rep. Ireland. Dominated by #Grazing #WildlifeServices #Carbon #HazardMitigation #Water
#cop15 #ecosystemservices #ncps #values #grazing #wildlifeservices #carbon #hazardmitigation #water
Need a reason to put #hazardmitigation and #riskreduction on equal footing with #preparedness, #response and #disasterrecovery? Here you go.
It makes one's brain ache, but we must start asking ourselves hard questions.
#hazardmitigation #riskreduction #preparedness #response #disasterrecovery #nonaturaldisasters