Northumbrian Stories · @northfolk
1483 followers · 1055 posts · Server

I can't get out very far on walks at the moment, but luckily I don't need to go more than a few steps from the back door to feel like spring is coming. The hazel tree (which produced a good crop of nuts last year) is in full bloom of catkins and blossoms.

#spring #northumberland #trees #hazeltree #catkins

Last updated 2 years ago

Jennifer Ebeling · @GardenerPodcast
1010 followers · 730 posts · Server

('s version)

Pippa watched her breath billow out in the cold air.

"There's more of May Margaret's hair on your left," said Kit.

Pippa turned to spy the tasseled of yet another , Corylus avellana.

Kit had come to know the of all the local from her grandmother.

The of the were vestiges of the maiden May Margaret's fair-colored hair caught in the as she fled her husband, the king Hind Etin.

#vss365 #gardener #flowers #hazel #tree #folklore #flora #catkins #hazeltree #branches #elf #nature

Last updated 2 years ago