Just came out of an hour-and-a-half meeting about our new incident portal (help desk ticketing system), & I kept yawning. Finally I turned off my camera & snuck out to get a cup of caffeine (I'm usually a decaf kind of guy); it worked.
#hazlenut #coffee #cream #sugar #usually #black #strong #like #my #men - #airplane #reference | #gave #up #caffeinated; #decaf #java #for my #ticker | #help #desk #portal #incident #ticketing #system #information #technology #law #firm #WTC #7WTC #NYC #NewYorkCity
#hazlenut #coffee #cream #sugar #usually #black #strong #like #my #men #airplane #reference #gave #up #caffeinated #decaf #Java #for #ticker #help #desk #portal #incident #ticketing #system #information #technology #law #firm #wtc #7wtc #nyc #newyorkcity
Made some sweets today. Looking forward to the hollidays.
I've started keeping two kinds of #coffee. One regular and one flavoured. This makes me feel so much like a #hipster but I don't even care.
Anyway.. today instead of buying another pack of #liquorice coffee I bought #hazlenut and my entire kitchen smells of hazlenut now. It's wonderful.
#hazlenut #liquorice #hipster #coffee