Hazzard: Il grido di sconfitta di un mito che non si ripete
#boomerissimo #thedukesofhazzard #hazzard #boduke #dodge
#boomerissimo #thedukesofhazzard #hazzard #boduke #dodge
Julia Gillard’s kitchen renovations were subjected to a Royal Commision into corruption.
The inquiry found nothing, but kept the spotlight on unions for months.
It was led by Dyson Heydon, KC, formerly AC, disgraced former judge and the subject of multiple independent allegations of sexual misconduct, and appointed by, you guessed it, the Howard Liberal government.
Now Premier Perrottet insists he called his Health Minister, who is a *lawyer*, for “health advice”, and the minister insists he just happened to be in the room with the head of the ambulance service, who personally intervened to arrange a dispatch for the Premier’s wife. Nothing to see here. No kitchen involved.
I think that meets the Liberal’s low bar for a Royal Commission… or maybe ICAC?
#auspol #nswpol #perrottet #corruption #hazzard #ambulance
STUDY: 94% of mRNA jab recipients found to have “metal-like objects” in their blood #clots #health #hazzard
STUDY: 94% of mRNA jab recipients found to have “metal-like objects” in their blood #clots #health #hazzard