I said before: nothing that starts with “I saw/posted on NextDoor…” is good. But here’s an exception that’s actually awesome!
RT @jonathan_miner
Oh shit. I made a posting on nextdoor in support of #HB1110 and I may have broken the website... @jessdbateman tons of people in support, but there's lots of education left to do! Thanks again for what you got started with this bill!
The passing of #HB1110 is a massive step forward in LEGALIZING the ability to INCREASE housing to accommodate our projected massive increase in population. HB1110 is single family zoning AND middle housing zoning!
RT @FuseWA
#Homes4WA bill #HB1110 has bad amendments that would exempt the wealthiest, least affordable cities in our region from doing their part to tackle the housing crisis.
We've updated our letter to demand lawmakers reject these amendments, send yours now: https://fusewashington.actionkit.com/letter/2023affordablehousingtransit/?source=social https://twitter.com/UrbanistOrg/status/1632132286253785089
Homes for people. All the people. In all the city. 🚨 WA voters! Possible floor vote THIS week on middle housing in the House (heh).
#HB1110 Needs some love to get over this next hurdle. Even if your legislator supports it, let them know you do.
Comment here: https://app.leg.wa.gov/pbc/bill/1110
Bill sponsors + info here: https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=1110&Year=2023&Initiative=false
This is why the @jessdbateman & co. #Homes4WA #HB1110 bill needs your support.
To preserve our shared environment, we need you to call and email your representatives to make more abundant housing all across the state.
RT @dmtrumm@twitter.com
While #HB1110 has Republican support in #waleg, the Bellevue Republican brand is NIMBY. Nieuwenhuis is a snob zoning fan. https://twitter.com/typewriteralley/status/1617752449087057920
RT @juliagrantreed@twitter.com
Here’s me dropping #HB1517 into the hopper — the house companion to @MarkoLiias@twitter.com Senate bill creating more transit oriented development around rail, BRT, and ferries. All part of our work on #housingsupply along with #HB1351, #HB1110 and many more! #homes4Wa #waleg
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/juliagrantreed/status/1616868102666604549
#waleg #Homes4WA #hb1110 #hb1351 #housingsupply #hb1517
RT @FuseWA@twitter.com
KCC member @GirmayZahilay@twitter.com testifies in support. "It can't be just one city, one county, every city needs to add housing. We have to act regionally, passing #HB1110 would increase housing equitably, would relieve displacement pressure, & would tackle homelessness crisis." #WALeg
RT @FuseWA@twitter.com
The one, the only @jessdbateman@twitter.com introduces her bill #HB1110 to legalize middle housing like fourplexes statewide to increase affordable housing. “We must... create more market-built housing while increasing our investment in subsidized and deeply affordable housing.” #WALeg
It’d be awesome if the #waleg 1stLD delegation would sign on to both the HB and SB 😁
RT @typewriteralley
The senate companion to #HB1110 is #SB5190. https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?billnumber=5190&year=2023 https://twitter.com/jessdbateman/status/1611502159786553347
RT @typewriteralley@twitter.com
It's here. #HB1110: Increasing middle housing in areas traditionally dedicated to single-family detached housing. https://twitter.com/jessdbateman/status/1610402305878429696
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/typewriteralley/status/1610402882939125760