“Washington State Representative Bill Ramos personally killed ranked-choice voting in the 2023 legislature. Unlike his three State Government Committee Chair predecessors, he wouldn't even give the bill a hearing.
An absolutely stunning and disappointing failure of leadership.”
#waleg #rankedchoicevoting #hb1592 #PresidentialPrimaries #RepRamos
#waleg #RankedChoiceVoting #hb1592 #presidentialprimaries #repramos
Great Letter to the Editor about RCV for Presidential Primaries in WA.
#RankedChoiceVoting #RCV #waleg #hb1592 #lte #fairvotewa
Ranked Choice Voting for Presidential Primaries in WA!
HB 1592
Sponsors: Mena, Gregerson, Ramel, Fitzgibbon
Has been referred to State Government & Tribal Relations committee
Senate companion bill pending.
#waleg #hb1592 #RankedChoiceVoting #RCV