Top Ukrainian job portal cuts ties with 200 more companies linked to russian market
Ukraine’s leading job portal,, has expanded its roster of brands conducting business with russia. The job portal severs ties with all companies that have not exited the russian market.
Among them are recognizable brands like #Coca-Cola #HBC, #Samsung, #Xiaomi Corporation, #L’Oréal, ...
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#Ukraine 🇺🇦 #SlavaUkraine #RussiaIsATerroristState
#coca #hbc #samsung #xiaomi #l #ukraine #slavaUkraine #RussiaIsATerroristState #StandWithUkraine
Global News BC: 21 new Zellers pop-up shops to open inside Hudson’s Bay stores in 5 provinces #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #ZellersLocations #Zellerscomeback #ZellersAlberta #ZellersOntario #ZellersOpening #zellerscanada #ZellersQuebec #ZellersStores #canadaretail #Zellerspopup #Hudson'sBay #ZellersBC #Consumer #Economy #Zellers #Canada #HBC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #zellerslocations #zellerscomeback #zellersalberta #zellersontario #zellersopening #zellerscanada #zellersquebec #zellersstores #canadaretail #zellerspopup #hudson #zellersbc #Consumer #economy #zellers #Canada #hbc
Today in 1816, the Battle of Seven Oaks is fought between the Hudson's Bay Company & the North West Company.
Fought near Winnipeg, the battle sees 22 casualties & is the climax of the Pemmican War.
Five years later, the two companies merge, ending the war.
#canada #history #hbc #war #canadian #histodon #histodons
#Celebrities #Celebrity #HBC #Hokkaido #Vlog #タカアンドトシ #北海道 #北海道放送 #未公開集実はタカトシと同年代ハマカーン前編
#celebrities #celebrity #hbc #hokkaido #vlog #タカアンドトシ #北海道 #北海道放送 #未公開集実はタカトシと同年代ハマカーン前編
【フェブラリーS 2022】“久々の”連続的中なるか!女神も参戦で、”4年に1度のマル秘法則”も発見!
##HBCアナウンサー ##カフェファラオ ##フェブラリーS ##水野よしまさ #2022久々の連続的中なるか女神も参戦で4年に1度のマル秘法則も発見 #announcer #FemaleAnnouncers #GI #HBC #Vlog #アナウンサー #ソダシ #フェブラリーS #ルメール #世永聖奈 #堀内大輝 #女性アナウンサー #競馬 #競馬予想
#hbcアナウンサー #カフェファラオ #2022久々の連続的中なるか女神も参戦で4年に1度のマル秘法則も発見 #announcer #FemaleAnnouncers #gi #hbc #vlog #アナウンサー #ソダシ #フェブラリーs #ルメール #世永聖奈 #堀内大輝 #女性アナウンサー #競馬 #競馬予想
Global News BC: Zellers is back. Can the nostalgic brand survive today’s retail landscape? #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #ZellersLocations #nordstromcanada #ZellersCalgary #ZellersOntario #ZellersOpening #zellerscanada #Zellersretail #Zellersreturn #ZellersStores #canadaretail #Zellerspopup #Consumer #Economy #Zellers #Money #HBC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #zellerslocations #nordstromcanada #zellerscalgary #zellersontario #zellersopening #zellerscanada #zellersretail #zellersreturn #zellersstores #canadaretail #zellerspopup #Consumer #economy #zellers #money #hbc
Here is the story of the long leg north from Fort Colvile to the Boat Encampment #BC ,where the HBC men left their boats behind and began their hike over the Rocky Mountains. #HBC #History #Books #Blogpost As you will see in future posts, some very interesting and historic people made this journey to the Mountain.
#bc #hbc #history #books #blogpost
Hudson's Bay, Gap, PetSmart among stores that gave customer data to Facebook's owner | CBC News #Privacy #Facebook #Data #Meta #HBC #PetSmart #DataPrivacy #HudsonsBayCompany #Anthropologie #BestBuyCanada #Gap #Lululemon #Sephora #Fail #EpicFail #cdnpoli @cdnpoli
#privacy #facebook #data #meta #hbc #petsmart #dataprivacy #hudsonsbaycompany #anthropologie #bestbuycanada #gap #lululemon #sephora #fail #epicfail #cdnpoli
【公式】西田あい「月見草」MUSIC VIDEO(フルサイズ)
#bayfm #BAYLINE #HBC #OBC #SF #アイランド #おしゃべり #ラジオ大阪 #久保田早紀 #北海道放送 #女性演歌 #姶良市 #文化放送 #日本クラウン #東海ラジオ #歌謡曲 #演歌 #田久保真見 #異邦人 #砂の花 #西田あい #鹿児島
#鹿児島 #西田あい #砂の花 #異邦人 #田久保真見 #演歌 #歌謡曲 #東海ラジオ #日本クラウン #文化放送 #姶良市 #女性演歌 #北海道放送 #久保田早紀 #ラジオ大阪 #おしゃべり #アイランド #sf #obc #hbc #bayline #bayfm
Zellers restaurant items to return with new food trucks #Zellers #FoodTrucks #HBC #Food #TheBay #cdnpoli
#zellers #foodtrucks #hbc #food #thebay #cdnpoli
Hudson's Bay Company has a long and complicated legacy. But does it have a future? | CityNews Toronto #HBC #Retail #TheBay #DepartmentStores #cdnpoli @cdnpoli
#hbc #retail #thebay #departmentstores #cdnpoli
@canadaehx You need to do an episode someday about the amazing Clouston family. Several generations came from the Orkneys and were explorers and factors with the #HBC. Campbell Clouston's grandfather was with Dr Rae's party that discovered the fate of the Franklin Expedition. His uncle, Sir Edward Clouston, was a great builder of this country while with the Bank of Montreal. He also played in the first indoor hockey game in Canada. It doesn't get much more CanadaEhX than that!
Paper on #HBC promissory notes in Red River Colony. #Canada #CdnHist #FurTrade #History #Money #Numismatics #Histodons @histodons
Michael Ryan, "Paper Money of a 'Peculiar Character': The Notes of the Hudson's Bay Company, 1820-1870" (2022)
#histodons #numismatics #money #history #furtrade #cdnhist #Canada #hbc
@MargueriteHBC Your website is fantastic and the articles on your blog are always well written. You're a go-to resource for #HBC history and stories.
Hudson's Bay to resurrect discount retail chain Zellers
"Satov added that he doesn't think the brand has a negative connotation among consumers — but it wasn't a successful business, which is why it was sold, he said."
The return of Zellers: Hudson's Bay to resurrect Canadian discount retail chain | CP24 #Zellers #HBC #cdnpoli
Hudson’s Bay Company to give historic Winnipeg building to Indigenous organization #HBC #FirstNations #WImnipeg #HudsonsBayCompany #cdnpoli
#hbc #firstnations #WImnipeg #hudsonsbaycompany #cdnpoli
#HBC のトドマツ12本 80m アンテナくわしく (添付画像は民放営業史より)
北海道民放営業史 第三章 民放初のラジオ局(HBC)の開局
"「JOHR、JOHR、こちらは北海道放送でございます」。きょうは北海道の民間放送にとって歴史的な日です。70年前の1月19日、道内初の民放HBCが試験電波を発射しました。資金が足りず、トドマツ12本をつないで作られた木柱アンテナから飛んだ電波は道民に新たな時代の幕開けを告げました。 #HBC"
Quebec Family Nabs Zellers Trademark From HBC to Open Small-Format Zellers Stores and Restaurants #Zellers #TradeMark #HBC #cdnpoli
#zellers #trademark #hbc #cdnpoli