I watched #HBomberGuy 's "Oof" video again and discovered that Tommy the Tallarico Engine claims to have worked on sound for #The7thGuest with another person. He didn't. He worked on the sound for the Making Of video, which has no sound other than people talking and music from the game (done by George Sanger and Team Fat, not him) and doesn't credit him at the end. (Guess they scrapped it?) They also spelled his name wrong in the DOS version's US manual.
Interesting game. Didn't age well though
I rewatched #HBomberGuy 's video on the Roblox "Oof" sound, looked at Thomas the Tallerico Engine's Wikipedia page on a whim, and I found that he claims to have worked on The 7th Guest in 1997.
T7G is like one of the few games I can tell you the composer of, and he sure as hell didn't compose the music for the original '93 release. I need to look into this...
@pompelon Oof, your opinion pretty much aligns with #Hbomberguy's video I watched on #Sherlock :blobcateyes: Hope he never gets anything significant put into his hands again. I don't mind badass MCs, but a story is pretty much pointless when they can just "Deus Ex Machina" everything and everyone else is just degraded to "dumb backdrop".
"#Vaccines and #Autism: A Measured Response": https://youtu.be/8BIcAZxFfrc Cannot stress enough how informative #Hbomberguy's videos are. Really appreciate the deepdive - despite how painful it is to watch, tbh. Plus, his very random choice of topics feels weirdly familiar to me :ablobgrimace:
HBomberGuy makes great videoessays. Mostly game related, but not always.
This time he explains where the soundfile "dow" comes from. He falls into a rabbithole and finds there one of the great liars of our time. Reminds my of musk and trump.
#trump #musk #roblox #liar #lie #essay #dow #hbomberguy #whenitsgoodididit #egotism
I've been watching the #Pathologic video #HBomberGuy made a couple years ago as a sleep video recently, but at 0.75 speed. I love how it makes him sound not entirely sober, but he's still very excited about this not fun, but great game
Love the investigative journalism #hbomberguy did here. https://youtu.be/0twDETh6QaI
Love the investigative journalism #hbomberguy did here. https://youtu.be/0twDETh6QaI
This is an amazingly insightful and thoughtful video about the philosophical implications of a 90-minute-long toy commercial from nearly 40 years ago. #hbomberguy usually puts out very good and thoughtful videos on a variety of controversial subjects, but this one just makes me think that... maybe you should dare to believe you can survive... because you can win... if you dare. #transformers #thetransformersthemovie #1980s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7f26gVlDQI
#1980s #thetransformersthemovie #transformers #hbomberguy
This #hbomberguy video about Tommy Tallarico is just amazingly compelling. What a weird dude. Just lying his way to success. And the success is also a lie.
@Jaxn All my intelligence is entirely artificial.
This is the #HBomberGuy video I mean: https://youtu.be/0twDETh6QaI
He starts by trying to figure out the story behind the Roblox "oof" sound, which is highly viral and in the process he uncovers an entirely different shady story about fraud and ego and huge lies. đź‘Ť Fascinating and informative and funny, like always.
Je viens de voir cette vidéo hallucinante sur Tommy Tallarico, un compositeur très connu des années 90 (que j'appréciais pour Global Gladiator et Earthworm Jim) qui se révèle être un mythomane compulsif.
C'est passionnant, déroutant et un peu triste. La conclusion est assez amer aussi...
#joeykuras #oof #Messiah #shiny #tommytallarico #hbomberguy
There was a little snippet of music in the OOF #HBomberguy video that's been bugging me for days. I had definitely heard it before, but I couldn't place it. I know he often uses samples of older games to underscore certain segments. It JUST hit me.
Fuckin #MischiefMakers !
For anyone who enjoyed Hbomberguy's recent video on the Roblox "oof" sound, I also recommend his video on the Halcyon console, which didn't go nearly as viral but covers some similar ground. I'm super into retro gaming and had no idea the Halcyon existed, this was pretty fascinating to me.
#GamingHistory #RetroGaming #hbomberguy #Roblox #TommyTallarico #DonBluth #RickDyer #Animation #oof #Messiah #DragonsLair #SpaceAce #ThayersQuest
#GamingHistory #retrogaming #hbomberguy #roblox #tommytallarico #donbluth #rickdyer #animation #oof #messiah #DragonsLair #spaceace #thayersquest
Fighting bosses in #GodOfWarRagnarok got me thinking. What's fair in a combat? What's the difference between "hey that was crap, I clearly dodged out of the way!" and "you know what, that's fair, I was 0.2 seconds late in my button press"?
I think a good chunk of it is expectation building and player training. I've been going through the #DarkSouls franchise recently and those do a great job at this player conditioning. (#Hbomberguy has said many more words about that in his Dark Souls 2 and Bloodborne videos).
The issue with GoW, for me, is that sometimes the Dark Souls conditioning takes over and I get disappointed/mad when I get killed by a boss. I expect the "consistency" of a soulslike fight, but instead each battle in GoW seems to be slightly different. But, at least, it is consistent in being different, if that makes sense.
I'm trying to do a takeaway here, but I need to think a bit more... Thoughts?
#GodOfWarRagnarok #darksouls #hbomberguy
This was a wild ride. hbomberguy killed it as always. Who would have guessed that the loudest guy in gaming history is a liar?
#GamingHistory #RetroGaming #VideoGameMusic #hbomberguy #roblox #TommyTallarico
#gaminghistory #retrogaming #videogamemusic #hbomberguy #roblox #tommytallarico
I watched the latest #Hbomberguy video on #YouTube & as a #VoiceArtist myself who has worked in games on what has been called “exertions”, it’s disturbing that past artists & sound designer’s names are being lost in the mists of time & that others are exploiting their work both monetarily & for cachet benefit. Also - what a ride & Guinness World Records are meaningless.
#voiceartist #YouTube #hbomberguy