#Soudan La légende de cette phpto, c’est « Près de Bentiu, une route protégée par des digues traverse des eaux de crue qui s'étendent à perte de vue. » Photo © HCR/Andrew McConnell.
L’article du #HCR que cette image illustre :
Le Soudan du Sud pris au piège de l'urgence climatique – Les habitants de Bentiu sont confrontés à des inondations toute l'année. Le changement climatique est pour eux une réalité qui remet en cause leur existence même.
New publication led by prof Kate Barclay with an interdisciplinary bunch of people on making explicit social-economic objectives of fisheries policy and incorporating these into harvest control rules. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/faf.12769 #fisheries #marinesocialsciences #HCR
#fisheries #marinesocialsciences #hcr
In #Gelsenkirchen ist der selbe Nahverkehrsanbieter unterwegs wie in #Bochum: #BOGESTRA (abgesehen von Kooperationen mit #VestischeStraßenbahnenund dem #HCR aus #Herne). Die #Ruhrbahn ist für #Essen und #mühlheimanderruhr zuständig. Vielleicht bekommt ihr da direkte Antworten.
#gelsenkirchen #bochum #bogestra #vestischestraßenbahnenund #hcr #herne #ruhrbahn #essen #muhlheimanderruhr #barrierefreiheit #opnv #nahverkehr
RT @AlarmephoneS
La #Tunisie n'est plus un pays sûr pour les #migrants africains, selon les nombreux migrants qui sont actuellement bloqués dans le pays. Ils campent devant les locaux de l'#OIM et du #HCR, et dorment…
#tunisiaisnotsafe #weneedevacuation #tunisie #migrants #oim #hcr
#RoeVWade 50th ann. is Jan 22. #HCR writes about how GOP political strategy to divide the country to get Catholic votes began about a year earlier. Her #LettersFromAnAmerican ends with this:
Today, notwithstanding that it was overturned in June 2022 by a Supreme Court radicalized under Republican presidents since Nixon, about 62% of Americans support the guidelines laid down in Roe v. Wade, about the same percentage that supported it fifty years ago, when it became law.
#RoeVWade #hcr #lettersfromanamerican
L'être humain est un loup pour ses semblables.
Cent millions de personnes ont été forcées de quitter leur foyer en 2022, fuyant les #conflits, la #violence, les violations des droits de l’homme et les #persécutions.
#DroitsHumains #ONU #HCR
#conflits #violence #persecutions #droitshumains #onu #hcr
“The news from the right-wing faction in the nation often seems to steal the oxygen from the sober, stable politicians trying to address real issues and doing so with more than a little success.” Heather Cox Richardson, Dec. 6, 2022.
#Politics #HCR #RightWing
#HCR American historian Heather Cox Richardson's annual post on the historical origins of our Thanksgiving holiday:
Who else reads #newsletters by #HeatherCoxRichardson (#HCR) !?
#Politics #History #Histodons #Historians #PoliticalHistorians
#newsletters #heathercoxrichardson #hcr #politics #history #histodons #historians #politicalhistorians
Welcome #HeatherCoxRichardson!
I’m incredibly grateful for #HCR’s non-stop writing through the dark time. I have learned so much from reading [Letters from an American](https://open.substack.com/pub/heathercoxrichardson) 6 days a week.
Thanks for being the daily voice of reason ! For free, no less. #NonSibi
#HeatherCoxRichardson #hcr #nonsibi
Welcome #HeatherCoxRichardson!/@hc_richardson@beta.mstdn.cf
I’m incredibly grateful for #HCR’s non-stop writing through the dark time. I have learned so much from reading [Letters from an American](https://open.substack.com/pub/heathercoxrichardson) 6 days a week.
Thanks for being the daily voice of reason ! For free, no less. #NonSibi
#HeatherCoxRichardson #hcr #nonsibi