Recording my weekly #podcast 'The Walk' in the forest near my house. This week I talk about the wonderful conversations I had for my documentary about #dutchcomiccon #hdcc
I had an absolute blast at #DutchComicCon today! #HDCC #shehulk #WallE #jacksparrow #starlord
#starlord #jacksparrow #WallE #shehulk #hdcc #dutchcomiccon
Gisteren voor het eerst meegedaan met de cosplay catwalk op Dutch Comic Con! ✨️ Volgend jaar hopelijk meedoen met de contest, eerst een volgende cosplay verzinnen... #HDCC
The best part of #DutchComicCon #HDCC is meeting old and new friends! #starwars #BoKatan #chainsawman
#chainsawman #BoKatan #starwars #hdcc #dutchcomiccon
Got to see Jenna Coleman from #DoctorWho and #TheSandman and Dan Fogler from #FantasticBeasts and #TheWalkingDead at #dutchcomiccon #HDCC!
#hdcc #dutchcomiccon #thewalkingdead #FantasticBeasts #TheSandman #doctorwho
I'm at #dutchcomiccon #hdcc listening to Lou Ferrigno, who played The Incredible Hulk in the only superhero TV show I grew up with as a child. So awesome! #marvel #theincrediblehulk
#theincrediblehulk #Marvel #hdcc #dutchcomiccon
I'm at #dutchcomiccon #hdcc listening to Lou Ferrigno, who played The Incredible Hulk in the only superhero TV show I grew up with as a child. So awesome! #marvel #theincrediblehulk
#theincrediblehulk #Marvel #hdcc #dutchcomiccon
I'm at #dutchcomiccon #hdcc listening to Lou Ferrigno, who played The Incredible Hulk in the only superhero TV show I grew up with as a child. So awesome! #marvel #theincrediblehulk
#theincrediblehulk #Marvel #hdcc #dutchcomiccon