David Hembrow · @hembrow
1360 followers · 1231 posts · Server todon.eu

I got these two CDs a few years back and was never entirely happy with the sound. There's a harshness in louder passages which is similar to a mistaking mistracking LP or clipped samples.
I always wondered if this was an artifact of the encoding on the disks but we were always assured that this only brought benefits on players with an HDCD decoder while being inaudible on standard CD players. I now know that that was a lie. A marketing trick to encourage people to replace perfectly good equipment.


Last updated 1 year ago

dlundh · @dlundh
284 followers · 1671 posts · Server social.horrorhub.club

I bought myself a blu-ray player. It plays and -Audio which is important to me. It is an BDP-83 NuForce Edition and that last part means the analogue audio part of it is beefed up (adding almost $1000 to the price tag when new). I just use HDMI though so what do I know? It is however a pain to get working with my setup. TLDR; turn off Deep Color in your TVs HDMI settings to get sound. How are you supposed to know these things?!?!? Oh well. At least it works now.

#hdcd #dvd #oppo #physicalmedia

Last updated 2 years ago

Igor Olestra · @coerceyou
30 followers · 87 posts · Server mastodon.social

This absolutely was a revelation to me this year. There is a new repressing of this, but I found this on . Max Roach assembles some of the mightiest musicians, who brought some of their defining masterpieces under Roach's direction on Members, Don't Git Weary, and his chaotic eruptions on the kit really snapped me to attention. There's something proto-punk to the way he bares down on the kit. This is just a beautiful album. youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK

#vinyl #hdcd #jazz #maxroach #stanleycowell

Last updated 2 years ago