@jackiegardina yeah, that's what I thought so too...
Not that it's exclusive to the #USA but considering it's (quite skewed it it's favour) #HDI and #GDP per capita it should have like free healthcare, childcare and education!
After all, far "less off" nations do that...
@crookedfootball that's how #LyingWithNumbers works, I guess...
It's like the #HDI prioritizing #LiteracyRate over #CivilRights and #HumanRights...
#HumanRights #civilrights #LiteracyRate #hdi #LyingWithNumbers
Heute bin ich bei den Übungen von #hdi https://open.hpi.de/
"ChatGPT: Was bedeutet generative KI für unsere Gesellschaft?"
auf die #KI #perplexity gestoßen.
Ähnlich zu #chatGPT kann spuckt aber Quellen mit aus.
Was ich auch gleich im Prompt genutzt habe: "Erstelle 5 Fragen mit Antworten zum Ankreuzen. Erstellen dazu eine JSON-Datei" dann bekomme ich Sowas:
"questions": [
"question": "[...]?",
"options": [
"2. ",
"answer": "1"
#hdi #ki #perplexity #chatgpt #FediLZ
@urgewald gut zu wissen! Ein guter Grund, um #talanx und die Tochterfirmen zu meiden
Privat- und Firmenversicherung Deutschland
#HDI Deutschland
Targo Versicherungen (in Kooperation mit der Targobank)
PB Versicherungen (in Kooperation mit der #Postbank)
neue leben (in Kooperation mit den #Sparkassen)
LifeStyle Protection (Individuelle Risikoabsicherungen)
Privat- und Firmenversicherung International
HDI International
Warta (Polen)
TU Europa (Polen)
Posta Biztosító (in Kooperation mit der ungarischen Post)
HDI Global
Hannover Rück
E+S Rück
Ampega – Vermögensverwaltung (Kapitalanlagen, Fonds)
#versicherung #geld #devestment #fossilfuel #fossil #öl #gas
#gas #ol #fossil #fossilfuel #devestment #geld #versicherung #sparkassen #postbank #hdi #Talanx
For this week's #MapPromptMonday , a bivariate map showing the relation between the #HDI (at the province level), and the "government density" that measures the presence of government in a given region.
Highest HDI and gov density are mostly concentrated on the coast of #Peru
#Rstats code at: https://github.com/jmcastagnetto/my_map_prompt_monday/tree/main/2023-02-13_bivariate-maps
#mappromptmonday #hdi #peru #rstats
Metrolinx ordered to stop Osgoode Hall tree removal | The Star https://bit.ly/3xj2uQa #topoli #Metrolinx #OntarioCourts #LSO #HDI #OntarioCourtofAppeal #TRO #Toronto #onpoli @ontariogreens @onpoli
#topoli #metrolinx #OntarioCourts #lso #hdi #ontariocourtofappeal #tro #toronto #onpoli
Mouse Whisperer Keeps You Working, Even When You Need a Break https://hackaday.com/2022/12/19/mouse-whisperer-keeps-you-working-even-when-you-need-a-break/ #PeripheralsHacks #attiny85 #wiggler #TTP223 #mouse #HDI #usb
#PeripheralsHacks #attiny85 #wiggler #ttp223 #mouse #hdi #USB
Mouse Whisperer Keeps You Working, Even When You Need a Break - When life hands you lemons, you make lemonade, right? What about when life hands y... - https://hackaday.com/2022/12/19/mouse-whisperer-keeps-you-working-even-when-you-need-a-break/ #peripheralshacks #attiny85 #wiggler #ttp223 #mouse #hdi #usb
#usb #hdi #mouse #ttp223 #wiggler #attiny85 #peripheralshacks
#psm #chapter4
1) #PQLI :-. range of PQLI
2) #HDI :- range
#INDIA- 0.645, rank 131
3) HPI :- 1,2
4)IHDI :- better indicator than HDI
#NORWAY has maximum HDI (most developed country)& high life expectancy, national income
6)MPI/MDPI :- Combination of 3 indicators , comprising of further 10 indicators
Range and interpretation
#INDIA -0.121 , 27.5% poor
#Bihar had the highest share of multidimensionally poor people while Kerala the lowest
Deprivation in >1/3 indicates poverty in a country
4 indicators , 3 dimensions
GHI OF #INDIA- 27.5 (Serious level of hunger)
8) HFA :- WHO indicator,4 dimensions
9) #HII/NITIaayog indicator
10) #BPL
Calorie intake cut off is the most common in defining calorie intake in India
11) std of living , CFR , INCIDENCE , PREVALENCE OF new drug , in hiv pt.
#psm #chapter4 #pqli #india #hdi #norway #bihar #ghi #hii #bpl
Si votre moteur 2.0 HDI bug complètement (à-coups, cale, ralenti irrégulier, anomalie antipollution, accélère tout seul) n'hésitez pas à vérifier quelques faisceaux électriques 🤓. Ici celui du capteur de pression common rail qui était bien dénudé... s'amusait à faire masse par moment, surtout dans les ronds points 😅 . #DimLeMecanoDuSamedi #hdi #307
RT @_MichaelStead@twitter.com
Fantastic to be collaborating with @adriangradinar@twitter.com @ProfTriviality@twitter.com @cubicgarden@twitter.com @BBCRD@twitter.com on the @PETRASiot@twitter.com Edge of Reality project which will look to further highlight the environmental impacts of IoT-AI generated data #sustainability #Edge #HDI @ImaginationLanc@twitter.com @SchoolofDesign5@twitter.com https://twitter.com/PETRASiot/status/1483741543076970501
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/_MichaelStead/status/1483780020694827011
Exploring the socio-technical challenges of personal data and AI through application of #hdi
Human data interaction through design - Sunday May 9th 2021 - http://designresearch.works/chi2021-hdi-workshop/
The deadline to apply is 08/03/2021
With @neelimasunil@twitter.com @joegalen@twitter.com @mooseabyte@twitter.com @drdrmc@twitter.com