It’s done! After 150+ hrs of work, I present to you: My HD Remaster of the Silent Hill 2 Making Of from 2001. I manually touched up everything to make it look as best as I could. Super proud! Good night, nerds!
#silenthill #silenthill2 #makingof #hdremaster
Review: Commandos 2 & 3 HD Remaster Double Pack für Nintendo Switch #NintendoSwitchDE #EchtzeitTaktik #nintendoswitch #Testberichte #KalypsoMedia #PyroStudios #Commandos2 #Commandos3 #DoublePack #HDRemaster #Commandos #nintendo #remaster #Gaming #gaming #Review #HD
#nintendoswitchde #echtzeittaktik #nintendoswitch #Testberichte #kalypsomedia #pyrostudios #commandos2 #commandos3 #doublepack #hdremaster #commandos #nintendo #remaster #gaming #review #hd
On a side note what's this I read about the #finalfantasyX #hdremaster being based on the internstional release and not the original #japanese release or the orginal #american release and as a result has a bunch of new optional bosses? Specifically something about dark Aeons and once those are beat another shows up so powerful it basically requires the use of you're party's ultimate weapons. If true this is all news to me.
#finalfantasyx #hdremaster #japanese #american #gaming #pcgaming #linuxgaming #SteamDeck #mobilegaming
ファミ通.com(@famitsu)さんがツイートしました: 『ディアブロ2』がHDリマスター化!
『#Diablo II: Resurrected』がスイッチ、PS5/PS4、XSX|S、PCで2021年発売 【BlizzCon】
#BlizzConline #BlizzCon
#DiabloIIResurrected #Diablo2Resurrected #HDリマスター #HDRemaster #Diablo2
#diablo2 #hdremaster #hdリマスター #diablo2resurrected #diabloiiresurrected #blizzcon #blizzconline #diablo