Trump Mugshot Fuels NFT Sales: Ex-President’s Digital Cards Jump 426% - After a mugshot of the 45th U.S. president, Donald Trump, was snapped at Fulton Co... - #digitalcollectibles #collectiblemarket #fultoncountyjail #cryptocurrency #digitaltrading #45thpresident #controversial #digitalassets #u.s.president #headlinenews #mugshottrump #non-fungible #skyrocketed #blockchain #cryptoboom #cardsales
#cardsales #cryptoboom #blockchain #skyrocketed #non #mugshottrump #headlinenews #u #digitalassets #controversial #45thpresident #digitaltrading #cryptocurrency #fultoncountyjail #collectiblemarket #digitalcollectibles
LIVE 2/17/23 Starting at 6:00PM ET Weekly News Report- Toxic fumes engulfed the skies over a small Eastern Ohio town, #EastPalestine, but help & answers are in short supply; #FEMA has denied #Ohio Governor's request for assistance saying the explosion does not fall within their mission statement of #naturaldisastor aid. #JDVance vfound ground water bubbling up chemicals from a creek bed. #Illinois #balloon hobby group thinks the US might have accidently shot down their balloon over #Alaska. Meanwhile an outpouring of God's Spirit is growing across the nation as #revival pops up all over following a group of college students at #AsburyUniversity who have kept a 24/7 chapel going for 9 days attracting people from all over the world. All of that much more ahead in this week's #HeadlineNews! Watch!!!👇👇👇
#headlinenews #AsburyUniversity #revival #alaska #balloon #illinois #jdvance #naturaldisastor #ohio #FEMA #EastPalestine
what the heck happened to #HeadlineNews channel?
I flipped to it at 5:30 this morning to get "caught up" in ten minutes, but it was the exact same programming content showing on #CNN
then the rest of the day it is #WhoDunIt mystery shows from 20+ years ago ... then thirty more episodes of Forensic Files before repeating it all tomorrow at 5am (no original programming)
@UROCKlive1 I’ve stopped watching gradually as they’ve shifted. With no more #HeadlineNews, I’ve no reason to watch anymore. If I want analysis, I watch #MSNBC.
#HeadlineNews | Luís Artur Nogueira: "Não há 'herança maldita', o Brasil vai encerrar o ano com crescimento de quase 3% da economia e com as contas públicas no azul"
Republicans did not want to campaign on abortion, or voting rights, or gay rights, or their attempts to cement power. So they decided to run on INFLATION and GAS PRICES and CRIME. The national press dutifully amplified those talking points. Inflation, especially, was in the headlines daily.
The election is over. So is inflation, gas prices, and crime, apparently.
Inflation was the new immigrant caravan, I guess.
Now it's Hunter Biden and his laptop.
#HeadlineNews | Prefeito de São Paulo, Ricardo Nunes (MDB), defende Guarda Civil Metropolitana (GCM) após abordagem violenta de um grupo de guardas; Nunes afirmou que a ação foi um fato isolado e não representa a equipe de mais de seis mil profissionais
📺 Confira na JP News
-Jean...Tem um bom tempo que tu fica lendo seus livros sem o pessoal ficar falando que é contato, né?
-Isso mesmo. Bem lembrado.
-Adivinha a agencia que vende essa ideia. Era Jean abrir um livro e ele ia fazer contato.
#HeadlineNews | Casos da varíola do macaco crescem na Europa; contágio acontece por secreções e contato com sangue de pessoas ou animais infectados
📺 Confira na JP News
-Jean... Li esse Tweet e não sei por que tive vontade de perguntar como Maria Eliza e Juliana se reconciliaram. As primas quase irmãs.
-Pois é.
-Grande festa quando resgatamos Juliana com o filho do Jean. Muita reconciliação. Jean é um separador de família.
#HeadlineNews | Na próxima semana, o TCU deve voltar a analisar a privatização da Eletrobras
📺 Confira na JP News
-Já sabe ler jornal, Jean?
-Não tem acovardacao no judiciário brasileiro. Não tem. Não sei o que Jean viu no fórum de Contagem.
-É mesmo?
-Jean... Toda vez que Juliana diz que vai entregar seu filho...
#HeadlineNews | O ministro do STF Alexandre de Moraes participou de uma palestra no qual garantiu que o "Judiciário não vai se acovardar com agressões"
📺 Confira na JP News
-Esse tá na fila para ser presidente, Jean. Daniel Silveira. Por que a impressa tá investindo tanto nesse homem, Jean?
-Sei não.
-Esse tem coragem de te matar mesmo. Cuidado. Ele mata e depois abre o peito para a polícia matar ele. Literalmente.
#HeadlineNews | Daniel Silveira tem R$ 18,6 mil bloqueados de suas contas
📺 Confira na JP News
The fake news media are calling it a "car accident". Also, #HunterBiden's ties to #China run deep and are still active- we'll tell you more coming up tonight! Join us for our live program on BrighteonTV at 6:00PM ET, then pop over to our regular live platforms at 7:00PM ET where we will be talking about more top news from this week! #TopNews #RealNews #HeadlineNews
Watch!!! ⬇️⬇️⬇️
#headlinenews #realnews #Topnews #China #hunterbiden
#TheResistanceChicks: Safeties are off, enemies are playing for keeps – #Brighteon.TV's #HeadlineNews with Michelle and Leah Svensson
#headlinenews #brighteon #TheResistanceChicks
"Will my children die because I married my cousin"