God makes enough theoreticálly
But we’re told there’s more patheticálly•
#limbiccapitalism #headlinepoem #headlinesonnet #couplet #addiction #odaat
There is a way to all win together
But that would require left-right compromise
Society feels the sting: wealth’s leather
(Subsidized privileges fairness pries)
#limbiccapitalism #headlinepoem #headlinesonnet
We hide from our feelings with fantasy
Dreaming of joining waste’s minority
We have political apoplexy
(We should demand sustainability)
#limbiccapitalism #headlinepoem #headlinesonnet
All these Law & Order suburbanites
Really just want the urbanites in jail
They think laws should never effect the whites
(Car culture is just an enormous fail)
There’s an oil spill into humanity
A byproduct of sloth & vanity
#headlinesonnet #couplet #microplastics
It’s too easy to judge stupidity
When we do not know the pressure required
To create a gem of hard idiocy
(We come from the same furnace uninspired)
“[America is crumbling today]
Guns are the leading killer of children
[Everything seems to be for display
We’re letting ‘heritage rights’ kill them]”
Our unrestricted capitalisms
Our common humanity imprisons
#headlinepoem #headlinesonnet #couplet #unrestrictedcapitalism
Our unrestricted capitalisms
Our common humanity imprisons
You can blame it on gerontocracy
But the relics of capitalism
Are dead set against true democracy
Now we observe “oligarchism”
The way businesses do today’s business
Is scientific’lly proven to kill
But profitability’s selfishness
Continues to our planet earth’s blood spill
Society is collapsing quickly
Because the “haves” have taken it over
Conservatism paradoxic’lly
Treats our freedom as merely a cover
As the civilization that pays
Just continues to unravel
Humanity starts to count its days
For soon the Earth’s God will slam the gavel
For most of my 60+ years fortune
Has smiled upon this American man
First the atom then the oil drum spelled doom
(Now it’s by tectonic plates I’ll be damned)
#headlinesonnet #headlinepoem #csz
Confronted with the shady malfeasance
Justice Thomas points his crooked digit
At all the white judges for his clearance
A street gang wouldn’t accept this bullshit
There are matrixes of understanding
That remain so completely subconscious
That corporate education’s demanding
Most people ignore for the salacious
Our great land’s sparkling democracy
Has been sacrificed at Mammon’s Altar
For greed has chased us to hypocrisy
(American Selfishness does falter)
Daily we witness life’s depravity
We have learned greeds’ lessons of selfishness
Today is measured in insanity
Before Mammon’s power we are helpless
SocialMedia is just BrainWashing
Upon which millionaires are in cashing
#couplet #headlinesonnet #themediumisthemessage #themasterstools #audrelorde #headlinepoem #socialmedia #brainwashing
So do not fill out on-line petitions
About this or that “virtue signaling”
They will never change human conditions
As long ‘bout money you’re complaining
#themediumisthemessage #themasterstools #audrelorde #headlinepoem #socialmedia #brainwashing #headlinesonnet