LIVE 5/17/23 8:00pm EST REVELATION REDPILL EP 13: Daniel's 4 Kingdoms- Prophesy Fulfilled! What if I told you the book of Daniel is one of the most powerful proofs of Jesus as Messiah? Many today try to figure out what countries are depicted by Daniel's prophesies with the #headofgold & #feetofiron . Is it #Russia #China #America ? The answer: none of the above. Daniel was penned by God to get His people ready for their #Messiah to set up His #KINGDOM . Jesus constantly referred to Himself as the #SonOfMan ... why? Because that is the name #Daniel gave to the Messiah. #Jesus was saying "I am here, Daniel is being fulfilled." Get your Bibles, notebooks & pens. Buckle up. We are going for a wild ride in #Prophecy fulfillment! Watch!!!👇👇👇
#headofgold #feetofiron #russia #China #America #Messiah #kingdom #SonOfMan #Daniel #jesus #Prophecy