What head set do you recommend for wfh? I’d like it to have a decent mic as I talk a lot for my work.
#wfh #audio #headset #microphone
Metastudi.es on Metaliv.es in the Metaver.se » ❓ When are you going to buy your first (or next) #VR, #AR, #MR #headset? #LinkedInVote 👉 https://www.linkedin.com/posts/metaverse_metastudies-metalives-metaverse-activity-7099670167185444864-NkkG/ #Metaverse #Metastudies
#VR #AR #MR #headset #linkedinvote #Metaverse #Metastudies
Upgrade to Kernel 6.2 broke bluetooth headset microphone #bluetooth #pulseaudio #headset
#bluetooth #pulseaudio #headset
Why VR As Monitor Replacement Is Likely To Be Terrible For a While Yet - Putting on a headset and using virtual monitors in VR instead of physical ones is ... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/09/why-vr-as-monitor-replacement-is-likely-to-be-terrible-for-a-while-yet/ #monitorreplacement #virtualreality #analysis #headset #vr
#vr #headset #analysis #virtualreality #monitorreplacement
Oh good. The headset isn't close to shipping yet, but that doesn't mean we cant start up the rumor mill for the NEXT generation headset. 😐
#tech #technology #apple #visionpro #headset #vr #augmentedreality #mixedreality #geek #news #journalism #applevisionpro
#tech #Technology #Apple #visionpro #headset #vr #augmentedreality #mixedreality #geek #News #journalism #applevisionpro
Making Your Own VR Headset? Consider This DIY Lens Design - Lenses are a necessary part of any head-mounted display, but unfortunately, they a... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/01/making-your-own-vr-headset-consider-this-diy-lens-design/ #virtualreality #pancakelens #headset #optics #lens #diy #hmd #vr
#vr #hmd #diy #lens #optics #headset #pancakelens #virtualreality
This 🔽 is the reason why you shouldn't use a #cheap Chinese #headset (1.99 €) for recording #audio or #filming.
#mojo #mobilereporting #journalism #recording
#cheap #headset #audio #filming #mojo #mobilereporting #journalism #recording
How to disable internal mic if external headset is connected? #sound #microphone #headset
Apple is now making Vision Pro dev kits available to developers. But there's an application process to go through, and not everyone who applies will likely get one. The mixed-reality headset is set to go on sale next year. https://developer.apple.com/visionos/developer-kit/
#applevisionpro #mixedreality #vr #ar #headset #apple
Closing in on a PC enabled PSVR2 - When the PlayStation VR2 headset was released, people wondered whether it would be... - https://hackaday.com/2023/07/23/closing-in-on-a-pc-enabled-psvr2/ #reverseengineering #virtualreality #playstation #headset #psvr2 #sony #vr
#vr #sony #psvr2 #headset #playstation #virtualreality #reverseengineering
Behold a Gallery of Sony’s PS VR2 Prototypes - Every finished product stands at the end of a long line of prototypes, and Sony ha... - https://hackaday.com/2023/07/22/behold-a-gallery-of-sonys-ps-vr2-prototypes/ #virtualreality #prototypes #headset #vr
#vr #headset #prototypes #virtualreality
So wie das Kunstleder von meinem #HyperX Cloud II #Headset ausschaut, habe ich das gerade mal für Kernschrott erklärt. Ich habe final keine Lust mehr, mir immer nach dem Musik hören erstmal die Haare auskämmen zu müssen.
Ein klarer Fall für den häuslichen #Reparierer - ah shit, ich wohne ja alleine. Na gut.
Headband 14€, Ohrpolster-Set 13€ und die Brackets gibt es aus dem #3ddrucker - wenn mein Plan aufgeht, habe ich bald ein fast neues Headset. Und das zum Spottpreis und sogar nachhaltig.
#hyperx #headset #reparierer #3ddrucker
Metaver.se #Metaverse »#Apple’s #headset could redefine what being in #themetaverse means: #KPMG's Alyse Sue believes the tech included in Apple’s #mixedreality headset could shift the way users interact and experience the metaverse.« https://cointelegraph.com/news/apple-vision-pro-mixed-reality-redefine-experiences-metaverse
#Metaverse #Apple #headset #themetaverse #KPMG #mixedreality
This might just be the best gaming headset out right now...
SteelSeries Arctis Nova Pro Wireless review: https://youtu.be/mf-EINJyK9s
#tech #technology #review #gaming #pcgaming #headphones #headset #bluetooth #wireless
#tech #technology #review #gaming #pcgaming #headphones #headset #bluetooth #wireless
Behold a DIY VR Headset its Creator Will “Never” Build Again - Unsatisfied with commercial VR headset options, [dragonskyrunner] did what any ent... - https://hackaday.com/2023/07/10/behold-a-diy-vr-headset-its-creator-will-never-build-again/ #virtualreality #fresnel #headset #lenses #diy #fov #hmd #vr
#vr #hmd #fov #diy #lenses #headset #fresnel #virtualreality
Enhance VR Immersion by Shoehorning an Ambilight into a Headset - Everyone wants a wider field of view in their VR headsets, but that’s not an easy ... - https://hackaday.com/2023/07/09/enhance-vr-immersion-by-shoehorning-an-ambilight-into-a-headset/ #virtualreality #videohacks #valveindex #ambilight #ledhacks #headset #video #fov #hmd #rgb #vr
#vr #rgb #hmd #fov #video #headset #ledhacks #ambilight #valveindex #videohacks #virtualreality