Graham Palmer · @gpnaturephotos
260 followers · 3630 posts · Server

Rare birds are a winner on Mastodon - so let's see how a rare animal goes. Tasmanian Devils (Sarcophilus) are known for their ferocity - so this one is sitting up and showing how cute they are!

#photography #naturephotography #threatenedanimal #rareanimal #tasmaniandevil #healesvillesanctuary #captivebreeding #victoria #australia #cutedevil #animalsofmastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Graham Palmer · @gpnaturephotos
247 followers · 3548 posts · Server

Since rare birds are so popular - here's another one. Helmeted Honeyeaters are close to extinction, so Healesville Sanctuary is breeding them for later release in their Fighting Extinction program.

#photography #naturephotography #bird #rarebird #fightingextinction #healesvillesanctuary #victoria #australia #helmetedhoneyeater #birdsofmastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Graham Palmer · @gpnaturephotos
247 followers · 3548 posts · Server

Since Australian birds are so popular - here's a very rare one. This Orange Bellied Parrot (Neophema Chrysogaster) was bred at Healesville Sanctuary, as part of the Fighting Extinction program.

#photography #naturephotography #bird #parrot #rareparrot #threatened #healesvillesanctuary #fightingextinction #australian #victoria #birdsofmastodon

Last updated 2 years ago