Yesterday I taught in two #BLSD courses for #nursing students at their final year before graduating.
They cared about the topic, they asked pertinent questions, they were curious and demonstraded good knowledge and nearly perfect techniques.
Sadly I don't always see this positive attitude during the recertification courses for my fellow #nurses, #doctors and other #healtcare operators.
Eveyone should take example from this new generation of professionals. May their enthusiasm never fade!
#blsd #nursing #nurses #doctors #healtcare
@mojo can we please stop calling decriminalisation of drug *usage*, like it was done in #Portugal, a #radical policy? It was not researched, propose or implemented by radical politicians, it was actually quite mainstream here.
In fact, it's simply a #rational, #just and #human #healtcare policy.
#portugal #radical #rational #just #human #healtcare
Radboudumc leert AI zeldzame syndromen te herkennen met een gezichtsscan
"For instance, in parts of the country that historically have not had as much exposure to extreme temperatures, the threshold for dangerously hot conditions may be at lower temperatures compared to regions like the South or the Southwest."
#heat #prevention #healtcare #climate
Chances are that if you have a chronic medical condition, you're not served well by the healthcare system.
Digital health products could help fill a big part of the gap. So why is the system not more willing to get the help it so obviously needs?
I have written a piece about it:
#startup #healtcare #digitalhealth #innovation #opportunity
Opinion | Health insurance makes many kinds of hospital care more expensive - The Washington Post
"This finding, which is based on pricing information that hospitals have been compelled to provide under the national Hospital Price Transparency Rule, contradicts the conventional wisdom that insurers use their bargaining power to drive prices down."
Irgendwie befreiend, seine "Online Identität" fast vollständig zu löschen. Bis auf meinen Namen und 2 Bilder gibt es nichts mehr von mir auf Facebook und Instagram.
Ich will mehr mein Fokus auf das Offlineleben legen und mehr "angenehmere" Plattformen nutzen, die ich als Sinnvoll halte.
Auf Mastodon bleibe ich weiter erhalten :)
#healtcare #mindset #offline #mehrzeitfursich
"We have no f'ing idea why so many people in this lugubriously bureaucratic country are dying because our reporting is so ponderously slow and rife with pissing contests and non-cooperation.
Get the f over yourselves and start reporting nationally now. People's live matter."
#healtcare #bcpoli #CovidIsNotOver #COVID #cndpoli
Artikelserie att följa om rasism inom hälso- och sjukvård. #svpol #Healtcare #Racism #Equality
#equality #racism #healtcare #svpol
Snor en bild från Allansens budgetförslag som visar på en av de saker som är bra med Västerbottens vårdval. #regionvästerbotten #publichealth #healtcare #primärvård #svpol
#svpol #primarvard #healtcare #publichealth #regionvasterbotten
#RSA conf 2020: the #healtcare industry is the most at risk of a #databreach: "healthcare’s attack surface is simply much bigger than they realize"
Protect data, host #onpremises #hybrid
#rsa #healtcare #databreach #onpremises #hybrid
According to a report shared at the RSA conference 2020, the #healtcare industry is the most at risk of a #databreach: "healthcare’s attack surface is simply much bigger than they realize"
Protect data, host #onpremises
#healtcare #databreach #onpremises
One step closer to Rosie the Robot. Meet Moxi, a robot helping to do some of the mundane jobs that nurses usually do and being appreciated by staff and patients alike.
#robots #healtcare #hospitals #nurses #nursing