Not news, but health care in the U.S. is eff’ed up.
Last week, an oral surgeon performed a biopsy in my mouth. This is a surgical procedure. But because they are an ORAL surgeon, they are not allowed to submit a claim to Medicare, which, for better or, in this case, worse, is now my primary insurance carrier.
Health care in the U.S. is eff’ed up. Not news.
#healthcare #healthcarereform
Thrilled to see you mention #healthcare in your newest article on monopolies.
#healthcare #MedMastodon #costsofcare #healthcarereform
I got a firsthand look at how understaffed our hospitals and nursing homes are today. My boyfriend's mom is in rehab, post hip surgery. He and I went to buy some hair scrunchies and elastics for her. When we arrived to see her and give her stuff, she said she had the same hair elastic in her hair for the past 3 weeks. I don't know why someone didn't take it out when she was admitted or tried to wash her hair other than lack of staff. Her hair was so matted. My boyfriend and I spent about an hour combing her hair out with a detangler and detangling comb. We had cut some of her hair off, but thankfully not too much. I braided her hair in the hopes it wouldn't get so bad before her discharge date. The nurses don't need to comb her hair or cut it, but it's sad that they are so overworked that they can't even notice things like that.
#healthcarereform #healthcareworkers #HealthcareCrisis
Unmasking the healthcare payment maze: a call for transparent and affordable primary care
#HealthcarePayment #RidiculousInsurance #FinancialBurden #LackofTransparency #PrimaryCareMatters #AffordableHealthcare #PatientAdvocacy #HealthcareReform #InsuranceWoes #EconomicModel
Jeffrey Gold is a family physician.
Listen here:
#healthcarepayment #ridiculousinsurance #financialburden #lackoftransparency #primarycarematters #affordablehealthcare #PatientAdvocacy #healthcarereform #insurancewoes #economicmodel
Biden is quietly reversing Trump’s sabotage of Obamacare
#BidenObamacare #TrumpSabotage #HealthcareReform #AffordableCareAct #InsuranceCoverage #HealthcareAccess #Politics #News
#bidenobamacare #trumpsabotage #healthcarereform #affordablecareact #insurancecoverage #healthcareaccess #politics #news
Although use my bullshit not dying bill in your #medicareforall #healthcarereform arguments
Pfizer charges $26,000 for this amount of infusion. Just a caprisun amount of not die juice.
But they're so generous that they offer a rebate program that makes it free so long as I have private insurance.
If I didn't have this good of a job I'd have to go through emergency life saving surgery every few years, suffering the whole time, until I eventually run out of intestines.
#medicareforall #healthcarereform
I'm having a hell of a time getting medication for my tarditive dyskinesia. Seems like its only provided by one specific pharmacy and is caught up in prior authorization bullshit.
Wonders of American healthcare.
#healthcarereform #healthcare #pharmacy
Sen. Bernie Sanders renews push for Medicare for All to end 'totally broken' health-care system
#CNBCNews #MedicareForAll #HealthcareReform #BernieSanders #USPolitics #UniversalHealthcare #Politics #News
#cnbcnews #medicareforall #healthcarereform #berniesanders #uspolitics #universalhealthcare #politics #news
The Evidence Is Clear: Medicare for All Will Save Money and Lives
#CommonDreams #MedicareForAll #SaveMoney #SaveLives #HealthcareReform #UniversalCoverage #Politics #News
#commondreams #medicareforall #savemoney #savelives #healthcarereform #universalcoverage #politics #news
We Don’t Just Need Medicare for All — We Need a National Health System
#Jacobin #NationalHealthSystem #MedicareForAll #Physicians #HealthcareReform #UniversalHealthcare #Politics #News
#jacobin #nationalhealthsystem #medicareforall #physicians #healthcarereform #universalhealthcare #politics #news
(Most governments and treatment providers, Cohen argued, don’t want to publicly #expose “the #DarkHeart ” of our #MentalHealth system—that a #CoreFunction is to #incarcerate and #ControlMasses of people. “There’s nothing pleasant about that. There’s nothing beautiful and pretty. It’s just exclusion: ‘Please take them away from me.’ And because we’re saying we’re doing it to help them, there’s a kind of #systemic #dissonance .”)
#expose #darkheart #mentalhealth #corefunction #incarcerate #controlmasses #systemic #dissonance #psychiatry #healthcarereform #medical
Simplifying our healthcare system: How we can make a difference
Aniyizhai Annamalai is an internal medicine-psychiatry physician.
Listen here:
#Healthcare #HealthcareSystem #HealthcareReform #Advocacy #PatientCare
#healthcare #healthcaresystem #healthcarereform #advocacy #patientcare
@rklau I feel like I'm not alone when I say that seeing the words "healthcare" and "coupon" in the same sentence leaves me in a cold rage.
#medicareforall #m4a #healthcarereform
#newBrunswick #hospitals are hemorrhaging #doctors and #nurses, our #racist laws prevent qualified medical personnel from overseas from working here. People are dying in waiting rooms, weekly, while #blaineHiggs and the righ-wing #pc government closed the year out with $487 MILLION dollars surplus.
"The province is spending $25 million less on health care so far this year in part because COVID-19 has delayed the launch of new programs."
#newbrunswick #hospitals #doctors #nurses #racist #blainehiggs #pc #healthcarereform
Age has wearied nursing homes and their residents — a sprightly vision is needed #ageingpopulation #dominicperrottet #healthcarereform #agedcarereform #MarkButler #words_800 #agedcare #Opinion #Society #auspol
#ageingpopulation #dominicperrottet #healthcarereform #agedcarereform #markbutler #words_800 #agedcare #opinion #society #auspol
Doctor autonomy, patient satisfaction: the future of primary care
Direct primary care (DPC) is revolutionizing the way primary care physicians provide care to their patients. The shift towards DPC has led to an increase in professional satisfaction and autonomy among primary care physicians.
Sara Pastoor is a family physician.
Listen here:
#DirectPrimaryCare #PrimaryCare #PatientCare #HealthcareReform #DoctorSatisfaction
#directprimarycare #primarycare #patientcare #healthcarereform #doctorsatisfaction
State and Federal data show that insurers reject about 1 in 7 claims. “Many people…simply give up.” One study: appeals were filed for 0.1% of claims denied by insurers
We need a healthcare system that doesn’t bankrupt us.👇
#HealthCareReform #medicine #medicinesharm
#healthcarereform #medicine #medicinesharm
Thank you for this! The amount of fraud that is out their related to insurance is ridiculous!
How messed up is this?
💵 💵 💵
A govt program that’s meant to help low-income patients often in rural areas (that includes Cleveland Clinic main, Brigham Women’s, Chicago’s Northwestern Memorial) allows some hospitals to buy meds at lower prices. They can “sell them to patients and their insurers for much more, often at facilities in affluent communities.”
#medicine #HealthCareReform #healthcarecost #potus
#medicine #healthcarereform #healthcarecost #potus
From prescription restrictions to unnecessary tasks: the issues with EMR
It's time for a real talk about the unnecessary and ridiculous tasks we often find ourselves doing on electronic medical records. And let's not forget about the restrictions on prescribing the best medications for our patients
Joseph D. Pianka is a gastroenterologist.
Listen here:
#EMR #Medicine #PatientCare #PatientAdvocacy #HumanizationOfMedicine #HealthcareReform
#emr #medicine #patientcare #PatientAdvocacy #humanizationofmedicine #healthcarereform