HandgunYoga (he/him/his) · @HandgunYoga
915 followers · 6523 posts · Server mastodon.world

I work for a large health insurance company, but cannot add my wife and her son to my own policy. The “qualifying event” (her loss of coverage) occurred more than 31 days ago. We think.

Her only option now is to purchase coverage through COBRA, retroactive to the cancelation date, and *then* cancel her new policy to reset the 31 day clock.

Each month of COBRA will cost $1,000 - $1500. She was paying $700 a month. I could add them both to my policy for $150 a month, just not yet.


Last updated 2 years ago

HandgunYoga (he/him/his) · @HandgunYoga
915 followers · 6523 posts · Server mastodon.world

Found out last week my wife lost her health insurance coverage. Apparently late last year she got canceled and kicked off without any written notice.

Now, without written proof she was canceled she cannot purchase new insurance either. Limbo. Uninsured and uninsurable.

Her 23 yo son was on her policy. Went to ER for a kidney stone, but bc he’s now considered “indigent” he was sent home essentially untreated – pain pills but no lithotripsy, no referral to a urologist.


Last updated 2 years ago

Tony Salerno · @asalerno1964
98 followers · 572 posts · Server mastodon.world

A good read...

Why Is the For-Profit Health Industry Like a Giant, Bloodsucking Tick?

And it’s not like we haven’t tried to remove that parasite


#healthcareus #healthinsurance

Last updated 2 years ago

They Call Me Dr. Breaux · @doctorjaymarie
64 followers · 189 posts · Server mastodon.world

As a , I'm appalled. I am on , so it'll help me, but what about the millions and millioms of people who have to suffer? And die.

Very, very much they will die.

I genuinely this country sometimes.

Insulin costs will be capped in 2023, but most people with diabetes won't benefit

#diabetic #medicare #hate #diabetes #universalhealthcare #healthcareus

Last updated 2 years ago