De #Healthcode die hier in #China al drie jaar het leven van mensen beperkt en ze tot aan de drempel van iedere deur volgt wordt plots afgeschaft. In rap tempo gaat men hier van het strengste covidbeleid over tot het (bijna) volledig loslaten van alle regels. Ongekend.
Shows that even Xi is scared of his own people. #ChinaProtests
Breaking: #CCP just announced that the so-called “travel code”/trip code(行程码)that was used to track people’s travel history in the past 3 years will be taken offline at 0:00 am on Dec 13.
This Code, together with #HealthCode, has been used to control ppl in #Covid lockdown
#chinaprotests #ccp #healthcode #covid
Baltimore sues tobacco companies over cigarette litter
#LawFedi #BigTobacco #HealthCode #Maryland #Baltimore
#baltimore #maryland #healthcode #bigtobacco #lawfedi
Baltimore sues tobacco companies over cigarette litter
#LawFedi #BigTobacco #HealthCode #Maryland #Baltimore
#baltimore #maryland #healthcode #bigtobacco #lawfedi
COVID-19 e uso delle tecnologie mobili #tecnologiedicontrollo #misurerepressive #GiorgioGriziotti #Uncategorized #humantracking #soggettività #CoreadelSud #repressione #healthcode #biopotere #Singapore #Covid-19 #europa #Cina
#tecnologiedicontrollo #misurerepressive #giorgiogriziotti #uncategorized #humantracking #soggettività #coreadelsud #repressione #healthcode #biopotere #singapore #COVID #europa #cina
COVID-19 e human tracking – di Giorgio Griziotti [1] #tecnologiedicontrollo #Critichedellacrisi #homepage-feature #GiorgioGriziotti #humantracking #soggettività #CoreadelSud #repressione #healthcode #biopotere #Singapore #Covid-19 #Europa #Cina
#tecnologiedicontrollo #critichedellacrisi #homepage #giorgiogriziotti #humantracking #soggettività #coreadelsud #repressione #healthcode #biopotere #singapore #COVID #europa #cina