The doctor strikes in Port Sudan
Exacerbate the health system's collapse none
Power cuts and supplies low
Staff shortages aglow
Let's hope the situation, mends soon
#portsudan #doctorsstrike #healthcare #healthcrisis #limerick #poetry
#PortSudan #DoctorsStrike #healthcare #healthcrisis #limerick #poetry
@Sunny It is a poly crisis that is unfolding. #climatechange, #water crises, #forestfires #airpollution #SoilLoss , #healthcrisis … All linked together and reinforcing one another. Do we have a comprehensive solution?
#climatechange #water #forestfires #airpollution #soilloss #healthcrisis
සෞඛ්ය අර්බුදය දෙපැත්තෙම කතාව: දන්න ඉතිහාසයේම සිට අප රට පැවතියේ සංවර්ධනය වෙමින් පවතින රටක් ලෙසිනි. කවදාවත් සංවර්ධනය නොවූ අපරට මේ වන විට ඉතිහාසයේ දරුණුම ආර්ථික අර්බුදයට මුහුණ දෙමින් සිටී. ලෝකයේ විවිධ රටවලින් සහ අරමුදල්වලින් ගත් ණයවලට වාරික ගෙවා ගැනීමට බැරි තත්ත්වයට අප රට බංකොලොත් විය. එදා මෙදාතුර රට පාලනය කළ දේශපාලන ඇත්තෝ මේ සන්තෑසියට වගකිව යුතුය.
අද අප කතා කිරීමට අපේක්ෂා කරනුයේ රටේ සමස්ත ආර්ථික අර්බුදය නොවේ. එහි පැතිකඩක් වූ සෞඛ්ය අංශය ගැන… #අදදවයනකතවකය #Healthcrisis
The rise of the 'climate doctor'
From Samoa to the East Coast, doctors are diagnosing and treating climate change
Physicians and medical schools alike are tailoring their approach to public health as climate-related illnesses rise.
#climatecrisis #healthcrisis #climatedisplacement
for Blackrock and Vanguard, not for you.
New report exposes breadth of physician practices owned by private equity - UC Berkeley Public Health
The report, Monetizing Medicine: Private Equity and Competition in Physician Practice Markets, highlights private equity’s voracious acquisition of physician practices over the last several years. The analysis evaluates market penetration across 10 physician practice specialties within markets across the U.S., the impact on market shares and concentration, and on prices and expenditures.
#pricefixing #monopoly #profitmedicine #medicalpaywall #healthcareaccess #lackingoversight #healthcrisis #capitalism #concentration
#pricefixing #monopoly #profitmedicine #medicalpaywall #healthcareaccess #lackingoversight #healthcrisis #capitalism #concentration
New Yorker: Reinventing the E.R. for America’s Mental-Health Crisis #NewYorker #Science/AnnalsofMedicine #Emergencyrooms #Psychiatrists #MentalHealth #HealthCrisis #HealthCare #Psychiatry #Hospitals
#newyorker #science #emergencyrooms #psychiatrists #mentalhealth #healthcrisis #healthcare #psychiatry #hospitals
@0x3mi nichts ist sicher
#klimakrise #healthcrisis
Damit müssen wir leben, unsere Konsequenzen ziehen. Was die Aussage von Lang da suggerieren soll, das widerstrebt mir aber. Sicherheit versprechen und damit Wähler*innen abfangen? Wähler*innen abfangen? Nein danke.
2/2 This small #Class’s hold on everything is at the heart of not just the #ClimateEmergency but also #CostOfLivingCrisis, #Poverty, #HealthCrisis (physical and mental).
Yet there is so little, almost no #ClassConsciousness nowadays; we are all gripped by values and systems that are not designed to help everyone, only a few.
We need to make people recognise this stronghold and that it is breakable; that all our interests - workers, climate activists, ordinary families - are aligned here
#class #climateemergency #Costoflivingcrisis #poverty #healthcrisis #classconsciousness
The Ministry of Health warned about the risk of infections due to water pollution and fish plague after the explosion of the Kakhovskaya HPP.
Due to the breach of the Kakhovskaya HPP dam in the Dnipropetrovsk region, fish are dying en masse.
#ukraine #healthcrisis #ecocide #fishplague #kakhovskaya
Has anyone ever informed #republican lawmakers that Charles #Dickens didn’t write instruction manuals?
#republican #dickens #childlabor #bodilyintegrity #malnutrition #healthcrisis
The UK's #tory engineered #healthcrisis in one simple statistic:
in 1960 the Uk ranked 7th for #lifeexpectancy among OECD nations.... 60 years later in 2020 it had dropped to 23rd!
And if you want to have a look at the OECD data, what you can see is that the relative decline has been largely since 2010.... I wonder why?
The NHS (and our #health) is not safe in #tory hands
link to OECD data (use age range function to get the picture)
#tory #healthcrisis #lifeexpectancy #health #SaveOurNHS #gtto
The health and safety of all people must be a priority. #HealthCrisis #LGBTQRights #Illuminati #SaveLives #ProtectPeople We must work together to ensure the well-being of everyone, regardless of orientation. The Illuminati is dedicated to promoting equality and protecting human rights. #EqualityForAll #HumanRights #Illuminati #MakeADifference #UnitedForAll
#healthcrisis #lgbtqrights #illuminati #savelives #protectpeople #equalityforall #humanrights #makeadifference #unitedforall
I suspect the media onslaught on the #JuniorDoctors will get pretty bad this week, with reporters seeking out fatalities to lay at the feet of #strikers.
If you start wavering remember, the Junioi Doctors have been forced into this position;
the media should have been attacking the #Tories engineering of the #healthcrisis through defunding the #NHS.
That they will likely now turn on the strikers, not on the Govt. will tell you what you need to know about our supine media!
#juniordoctors #strikers #tories #healthcrisis #nhs #SupportTheStrikes
Our world is surreal, bizarre, insane and cruel.
How far are we from "A fair start for every child" ?
#NotMyKing #AbolishTheMonarchy #Empire #SlaveTrade #EnergyCrisis #ClimateCrisis #HealthCrisis #CostOfLivingCrisis #Inequality
#AntiCapitalism #Degrowth
#NotMyKing #abolishthemonarchy #empire #slavetrade #energycrisis #ClimateCrisis #healthcrisis #costoflivingcrisis #inequality #anticapitalism #degrowth
The fact is that it is pointless to blame a specific fast food joint over an accident. People are not getting sick everyday.
That said, all fast food joints basically sell garbage chemical induced factory produced food-like substances that excite our taste buds and make US crave more of that shit.
We have a health crisis in America created by easy cheap harmful food we love to gorge on.
#FastFood #HealthCrisis
Unseen heart disease lurks
A frightening health crisis grows
More need to be aware
#heartdisease #hiddencondition #healthcrisis #haiku #poetry
In 2010 satisfaction with the #NHS was a record high of 70%; last year (2022), when the British Social Attitudes survey asked again, it was down to 29%.
A very start reminder that the NHS is not safe in #Tory hands & that defunding is a strategic plan to 'incentivise' people into the hands of private #healthcare.
The data suggest 50% respondents see underfunding as the key issue, while the majority continue to support the social mission of the #NHS.
This is #healthcrisis engineered by No.10
#nhs #tory #healthcare #healthcrisis
Another #tuberculosis #outbreak has been declared in #Nunavut , this time in a community near the top of #BaffinIsland .
Nunavut’s Department of #Health announced Friday that five active and 22 latent cases of TB have been identified in #PondInlet , a hamlet of 1,500 people, since last month.
#Canada #FirstNations #NativeHealth #Indigenous #medical #disease #FarNorth #HealthCrisis
#tuberculosis #outbreak #nunavut #baffinisland #health #pondinlet #canada #firstnations #nativehealth #indigenous #medical #disease #farnorth #healthcrisis
Without or knowledge or consent, the privatization of #healthCare system in #canadq is long underway.
Be very, very concerned.
#cndpoli #nbpoli #ontpoli #healthCrisis #noPrivateHealthCare #noPrivatePrisons #nobillionaires
#healthcare #canadq #cndpoli #nbpoli #ontpoli #healthcrisis #noprivatehealthcare #noprivateprisons #nobillionaires
On #13Feb, Colombian Health Authorities ceased shipment of Venezuelan bananas due to #Fusarium fungi. The Vice Minister of Agriculture of #Venezuela stated that, though it isn’t alarming, the #healthcrisis will be monitored.
More on last week’s update.
#banana #fungi #agricultura #noticiasvenezuela #rorshok #weeklyupdate #news #global #exports
#venezuela #healthcrisis #banana #fungi #agricultura #noticiasvenezuela #rorshok #weeklyupdate #news #global #exports #13feb #fusarium