@mike_johansen @STAT @missanabeem
It's a good reminder that talk is cheap and money has an impact on #medicalstudents and #physicians.
"...We find that these policies in turn affect the type and quantity of medical care physicians supply in the short run; retirement timing in the medium run; and earnings affect specialty choice in the long run."
Also I didn't include the link to the paper:
#healthecon #healtheconomics #economics #UChicago #medicalstudents #physicians
@philip Having lived on both sides of the Atlantic, learn what we can from it, sure, but we don't want the US healthcare system replicated here.
Glad you've had a good experience but I know plenty who have "middle class" USA insurance who are underserved, paying through the nose for care and treatment, sometimes have useless or careless clinicians.
Also, can't look at one slice of an inequitable system that might work for a privileged few as proof that the system works
"Americans die earlier than the English across the income distribution, despite typically earning significantly more."
#economics #us #healthecon #healthcare
A simple, remarkable visualization of the 15–17 million excess deaths caused by the Covid #pandemic
By the indispensable @OurWorldinData —> https://ourworldindata.org/world-population-update-2022#the-un-estimates-around-15-million-excess-deaths-in-2020-and-2021-from-the-covid-19-pandemic #HealthEcon #DevEcon
#pandemic #healthecon #DevEcon
RT @EsHConference
‼️REMINDER - Deadline: February 28
One week left to apply for: "The Essen Health Conference 2023 - Where Health meets Labour and Education Economics"
For more information see the Call for Papers or contact us at contact.conference@ibes.uni-due.de📮
#EconTwitter #HealthEcon
RT @TMSnowsill
PharmacoEconomics has just published my invited & peer-reviewed Practical Application:
"Modelling the Cost-Effectiveness of Diagnostic Tests"
You can read the full text at https://rdcu.be/c32S7 (no subscription needed)
#healthecon #costeffectiveness #hta
RT @TMSnowsill
PharmacoEconomics has just published my invited & peer-reviewed Practical Application:
"Modelling the Cost-Effectiveness of Diagnostic Tests"
You can read the full text at https://rdcu.be/c32S7 (no subscription needed)
#hta #costeffectiveness #healthecon
PharmacoEconomics has just published my invited & peer-reviewed Practical Application:
"Modelling the Cost-Effectiveness of Diagnostic Tests"
You can read the full text at https://rdcu.be/c32S7 (no subscription needed)
The paper covers the methodology commonly used in economic evaluations of diagnostic tests and highlights common challenges and some areas for further research.
I will post some highlights below, but feel free to engage!
The first Italian workshop on the health economics of risky behaviors begins today!
Great lineup, great town! https://eventi.unibo.it/workshop-herb-2022/program
#healthecon #HealthEconomic #healtheconomics #unibo #Bologna
#healthecon #healtheconomic #healtheconomics #unibo #Bologna
RT @jevaygrooms
Do you or any of your colleagues have working papers on racial or ethnic health disparities? Please consider submitting to the @nberpubs Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities Conference organized by myself and Hannes Schwandt. #EconTwitter #HealthEcon #AcademicChatter https://twitter.com/nberpubs/status/1612492430145916928
#econtwitter #healthecon #academicchatter
Depression in early adulthood leaves lasting scars because it interferes with accumulation of human capital, from Buyi Wang, Richard G. Frank, and Sherry A. Glied https://nber.org/papers/w30776
#economics #laborecon #healthecon #health #learning #education @healthpsychologists @educationecon @edutooters
#education #learning #health #healthecon #laborecon #economics
A whole lot of assertions going on in this article... https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/11/29/us-health-care-expensive-indispensable-nation/ @healthecon #healthecon #pharmacoeconomics
#healthecon #pharmacoeconomics
A note/reminder to health economists on Mastodon - if you tag @healthecon in your post, the @healthecon group account will automatically boost it to its followers (currently 66 of us; hopefully more - so, please follow the group account)!
For other folks here on econtwitter.net, not there are group accounts for most #economics specialties - see the curated list here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DVDfc3V7zTpghG0zbIYhHGQFU0rvy4BtpVQiNFn3DC4/edit#gid=0
#economics #healtheconomics #healthecon #econtwitter
#introductions #newhere
I'm March, a graduate student in public health and a part-time researcher for a community mental health project in the Philippines. Other than that, I worship #CarlyRaeJepsen and tend to my collection of banknotes.
Interested in: #Health #HealthEquity #HealthPolicy #HealthEcon #SocialJustice #HumanRights #Philippines
#introductions #newhere #carlyraejepsen #health #healthequity #healthpolicy #healthecon #socialjustice #humanrights #philippines
@IgorLetina @VincentMeisner @undercoverhistorian I just followed the @healthecon bot. #HealthEcon
📣 📣 📣
Wir haben zwei vom Schweizerischen Nationalfonds finanzierte Doktorandenstellen für 2023 zur Prävention von vermeidbaren Krankenhausaufenthalten in Pflegeheimen! Wer Interesse an neuen Versorgungsmodellen, Implementierungs- oder Pflegewissenschaft sowie Gesundheitsökonomie hat, dann bitte anschauen (oder teilen).
#phd #pflege #impsci #healthecon
Had fun delivering a workshop on #healthecon to the Australian Clinical Trials Alliance in Adelaide yesterday. Back in Perth today trying to get back on top of my inbox.
I don’t see any posts with #healthecon or #healtheconomics hashtags yet. Any Health Ec folks over here yet?