“There’s a large body of research showing that health care consolidation leads to increases in prices without clear evidence it improves quality,” said Zachary Levinson...“There’s some concern that, for example, when a larger health system buys up a smaller independent hospital in a different region, that hospital will become less attentive to the specific needs of the community it serves...”
#healthcare #hospitals #mergers #businessofmedicine #healtheconomics
#healthcare #hospitals #mergers #businessofmedicine #healtheconomics
@mike_johansen @STAT @missanabeem
It's a good reminder that talk is cheap and money has an impact on #medicalstudents and #physicians.
"...We find that these policies in turn affect the type and quantity of medical care physicians supply in the short run; retirement timing in the medium run; and earnings affect specialty choice in the long run."
Also I didn't include the link to the paper:
#healthecon #healtheconomics #economics #UChicago #medicalstudents #physicians
"The best-paid doctors in America work in the Dakotas, where they averaged $524,000 (South) and $468,000 (North) in 2017 in their prime earning years, including business income and capital gains. That’s well above the already astonishing $405,000 the average U.S. doctor made in the prime earning years, defined here as 40 to 55."
#doctors #medicine #income #healtheconomics
New #healtheconomics paper on the costs of of a diverting #ileostomy or #colostomy (ostomies, "stoma"):
In #rectalcancer IBD and other conditions, ostomies can help with anastomotic leakage and mucosal healing.
However, some patients end up with a permanent stoma.
What if permanent stomas could in some cases be avoided?
There are endoluminal devices being developed that might reduce the number of patients who needs stoma (full disclosure: our study sponsor SafeHeal is developing one)
#healtheconomics #ileostomy #colostomy #rectalcancer
"Many insurers, after whittling down physicians' reimbursements, now take an additional cut if the doctor prefers — as almost all do — to receive funds electronically rather than via a paper check...With more than $2 trillion a year of medical claims paid electronically, these fees likely add up to billions of dollars that could be spent on care but instead are going to insurers and middlemen."
#healthcare #healtheconomics #insurance
While everyone on #econtwitter is using the summer to finally write all these cool #HealthEconomics papers, we have a nice #CallforPapers once you are done: Come join us for the Health Econometrics Workshop of the German Health Economics Association (dggö) 30Nov-1Dec in Linz ✌️Submit until 15th October. More info here: https://file.dggoe.de/ausschuesse/gesundheitsoekonometrie/CfP2023_HealthEconometrics.pdf
#econtwitter #healtheconomics #callforpapers
How's *your* coffee break?
#healtheconomics #bayesian #summerschool #firenze
Just arrived in Florence --- let the summer school fun begin!!
#healtheconomics #bayesian #summerschool
You know it... It *looks* like I was doing something for the presentation, but in reality, I was just checking my emails... 😂
#aes #girona #survival #bayesian #healtheconomics #costeffectiveness
#costeffectiveness #healtheconomics #bayesian #survival #girona #aes
And another one: we're now fully booked! I think registration will remain open to start a waiting list, just in case...
Looking forward to it!
#florence #summerschool #bayesian #hta #healtheconomics #costeffectiveness
#costeffectiveness #healtheconomics #hta #bayesian #summerschool #florence
Cost effectiveness analysis is a helpful tool to use when evaluating interventions or health policies. This type of analysis can be helpful to policy makers when deciding how to address a public health issue. To learn more, be sure to check out these video resources on the CHERISH website!
#syndemicslab #bostonmedicalcenter #economics #research #healtheconomics #costeffective #economicanalysis #healthpolicy
#syndemicslab #bostonmedicalcenter #economics #research #healtheconomics #costeffective #economicanalysis #healthpolicy
#Blockchain is a technology that allows the secure and decentralized recording of transactions, which makes it useful in various fields, including #HealthEconomics
For this week’s #SyndemicsLabSpotlight we are highlighting Mathieu Castry, a health economist working with the HEALing Communities Study!
#healtheconomics #publichealth #simulationmodel #bostonmedicalcenter
#syndemicslabspotlight #healtheconomics #publichealth #simulationmodel #bostonmedicalcenter
Quick update. 3 places left for our summer school. Register yours soon!
#bayesian #healtheconomics #modelling #rstats #florence #costeffectiveness #valueofinformation
#valueofinformation #costeffectiveness #florence #rstats #modelling #healtheconomics #bayesian
This week in the print version in Medical decision Making (yay!):
#healtheconomics #blendedSurvivalCurves #Bayesian #costeffectiveness
#costeffectiveness #bayesian #blendedsurvivalcurves #healtheconomics
Curious about how to improve care for high-needs patients while managing costs?
You're invited to our upcoming #WiPSeminar with new CHÉOS Scientist Dr. Logan Trenaman on March 8 at 12:15 pm PT.
#wipseminar #healtheconomics #research #scicomm
@bicmay @rvaughnmd In our experience, low income patients find us less expensive than local hospital ($160 or $300 for the two most common visit types) plus we get them labs and generic meds for 20% over wholesale (labs are 3-5x more at the hospital).
We encourage #medicaid or a subsidized ACA plan which works well for care beyond #DPC but 20% are still uninsured. Both of those work well with DPC (paid out of pocket).
#dpc #costsofcare #healtheconomics #medicaid #directprimarycare
If you are caring for someone who is ill, what is the value of that time?
Drs. Wei Zhang, Nick Bansback, and Aslam Anis are working with caretakers, including Katrina Prescott, to apply the lost productivity tool VOLP on a Canadian Institutes of Health Research-funded project.
#research #caretaker #healthcare #economics #healtheconomics
#research #caretaker #healthcare #economics #healtheconomics
I was revisiting this now a bit dated paper on outpatient care utilisation in #Germany (data from 2008, published 2014):
Apart from being still one of the few papers that investigates regional differences in GP, specialist, & #Psychotherapy consultations on county ("Kreis") level, its use of annual average levels of particulate matter (environment pollution) shows a broader #HealthEconomics approach to identifying drivers of health care utilisation.
#germany #psychotherapy #healtheconomics