1 / 2:
The launch of the ARPA-H Program is a major milestone in President Biden's Unity Agenda! #UnityAgenda #CancerMoonshot #ARPA-H #PreciseCancerCare #BipartisanHonoringOurPACT #SERVICEAct Thanks to the hard work of the President and the bipartisan Congress, we can now make great strides to improve health outcomes for Americans facing cancer and other diseases. #Illuminati #Progress #HealthForAll #UnityAgenda #CancerMoonshot https://www.whitehouse.
#unityagenda #cancermoonshot #arpa #precisecancercare #bipartisanhonoringourpact #serviceact #illuminati #progress #healthforall
📌 Participants shared practical experience from across countries and areas on what works and provided recommendations for the most effective RCCE-IM planning approaches to controll #health #emergencies.
#WHOImpact #HealthForAll #WHOEurope #WHEBalkanHub #UnitedActionForBetterHealth
#health #emergencies #whoimpact #healthforall #whoeurope #whebalkanhub #unitedactionforbetterhealth
Great to see the new @wbgu report out on healthy living on a healthy planet!!
#HealthForAll, #Health, #Sustainability, #Transformation, #Environment, #Futures
#futures #Environment #transformation #sustainability #Health #healthforall
#HealthForAll hat die Weltgesundheitsorganisation #WHO als ihr Leitziel formuliert und dafür setzt sich auch das #NLGA ein.
🏁 Ziel unseres Handelns: Einen Beitrag leisten zur #Gesundheit der Menschen in #Niedersachsen.
👉 Weitere Infos zu unseren Werten und unserer #Vision gibt‘s unter: https://www.apps.nlga.niedersachsen.de/werte-vision/
#healthforall #who #nlga #gesundheit #niedersachsen #vision
#EveryDoseCounts 💙 to protect you & those you love!
✅ Yes, #VaccinesWork!
Honored and privileged to join colleagues & partners from WHO, the Institute of Public Health in the Federation of BiH, WHO Country Office in BiH in and UNICEF BiH, in an open discussion in Sarajevo and talk about #EuropeanImmunizationWeek2023, a pillar in what the World Health Organization is calling the year of ‘The Big Catch Up’ - the year-long global push to support countries to get back om track to ensure every child is protected from preventable diseases.
#WHEBalkanHub #VaccinesSaveLives #HealthForAll #WHO75
#everydosecounts #vaccineswork #europeanimmunizationweek2023 #whebalkanhub #vaccinessavelives #healthforall #who75
Die gleiche Arbeit – nur ganz anders
Bolivien, La Paz – über 10 000 km entfernt und sechs Stunden Zeitdifferenz – Dario Roche, Internist aus Freiburg hat diese örtliche und zeitliche Distanz überwunden: zwei Wochen verbrachte er in der b...
https://artemedstiftung.de/2023/04/die-gleiche-arbeit-nur-ganz-anders/ #SozialesEngagement #ArtemedStiftung #InnnereMedizin #Straßenkinder #StreetDoctors #healthforall #Foundation #Gesundheit #Aktuelles #internist #Bolivien #ehrenamt #Gutestun #Health
#health #gutestun #ehrenamt #bolivien #Internist #aktuelles #gesundheit #foundation #healthforall #StreetDoctors #Straßenkinder #innneremedizin #ArtemedStiftung #sozialesengagement
A systems approach is necessary to ensures that health is treated as one piece of a larger mosaic #CERD #Race #Racism #HealthForAll
#CERD #race #racism #healthforall
From the World ME Alliance:
This #WorldHealthDay demands #HealthForAll. We mark this day by launching our next resource in the run up to #WorldMEDay next month.
You can help people understand that pushing harder through this disease can make people sicker.
Take action in the run up to #WorldMEDay by sending our template press release to your local news outlets, and share experiences of post-exertional malaise
#worldhealthday #healthforall #worldmeday #learnfromme #LongCovid #mecfs #cfs #pwme #myalgice
Über zwei Jahre lang hat Rashida in Tansania jeden Cent zur Seite gelegt und auf diesen Tag gewartet. Noch bevor die Sonne aufgeht und der Rest der Familie aufwachen wird, zieht sie sich an, frühstück...
https://artemedstiftung.de/2023/04/weltgesundheitstag/ #FreundederArtemedStiftung #gesundheitundwohlergehen #geschlechtergleichheit #Weltgesundheitstag #saubereswasser #Freundeskreis #gerechtigkeit #menschenwürde #partnerschaft #healthforall #Gesundheit #innovation
#innovation #gesundheit #healthforall #partnerschaft #menschenwurde #gerechtigkeit #freundeskreis #saubereswasser #weltgesundheitstag #geschlechtergleichheit #gesundheitundwohlergehen #FreundederArtemedStiftung
Pharaoh Ramses V comes to life. Watch this fascinating story about the eradication of a deadly disease. #SMALLPOX!
Did you know?
Following an ambitious 12-year global vaccination campaign led by WHO, smallpox is finally eradicated in 1980. 🙌
#who75 #healthforall #smallpox
Ayer fue el #DíaMundialDeLaSalud y el 75 aniversario de la @who 🎉
La alteración de los ecosistemas y la pérdida de #biodiversidad tienen importantes repercusiones en la salud del ser humano.
Un planeta sano = Personas sanas🌍🌿
📷 @who
#healthforall #onehealth #biodiversidad #diamundialdelasalud
International Day of Health, today We celebrate the value of good health and well-being for all. Investing in health means investing in human capital. Nations must prioritize health equity and access to quality care for all. #HealthForAll #WellBeing #SDGs #Health #HumanRights
#healthforall #wellbeing #sdgs #health #humanrights
75 Jahre #Weltgesundheitstag - stellv. Vorsitzender der DTG, Till Steffen, MdB, zu #Taiwan und der #WHO
#WHO75 #HealthForAll
#weltgesundheitstag #taiwan #who #who75 #healthforall
RT @ipbes
Today is #WorldHealthDay & the 75th anniversary of @who 🎉
Ecosystem disruption & loss of #biodiversity have major impacts on human health. Yet more reasons why it's important to work #ForNature!
A healthy planet = Healthy people🌍🌿
📷 @who
#onehealth #healthforall #ForNature #biodiversity #WorldHealthDay
(@aerztederwelt) RT by @ProAsyl: #HealthForAll: Deutschland verletzt gegenüber Asylsuchenden das Recht auf Gesundheit. Nicht nur die medizinische Versorgung ist eingeschränkt oder aufgrund von Bürokratie kaum zugänglich. Die Lebensbedingungen in Sammelunterkünften machen zudem krank.
#Weltgesundheitstag @ProAsyl http://bird.trom.tf/aerztederwelt/status/1644246128131448833#m
#healthforall #Weltgesundheitstag
Happy #WorldHealthDay!
RT @DrTedros
#OnThisDay 75 years ago, the nations of the world:
- created @WHO
- for the first time in history formally recognised health as a human right via the WHO Constitution
- committed to #HealthForAll
Happy #WorldHealthDay!
#healthforall #onthisday #worldhealthday
#MoralischeVerletzungen im #Gesundheitswesen: Schlafende Riesen wecken? - Wenn nicht zum #WelttagDerGesundheit, wann dann?
Hohe Raten von #Burnout, #Depression, Suchterkrankungen und Suiziden sind nicht allein durch Arbeitsstress zu erklären.
#MoralInjury: Der Elefant im Raum
#HealthForAll #HealthProfessionals #MediBubble #NeueWegeZumGesundenErfolg
#moralischeverletzungen #Gesundheitswesen #welttagdergesundheit #burnout #depression #moralinjury #healthforall #healthprofessionals #medibubble #NeueWegeZumGesundenErfolg
#WorldHealthDay | In response to the #AvianInfluenza crisis, the #EU has authorized its member countries to vaccinate their flocks. With @CevaSanteAnimal, #Cirad has developed a tool to identify the best #vaccination strategies.
#HealthForAll #OneHealth
#worldhealthday #avianinfluenza #eu #CIRAD #vaccination #healthforall #OneHealth
⚕️Today is #WorldHealthDay!
🎊And is the 75th Anniversary of the World Health Organisation, established in 1948.
Below are the 8⃣trends that have shaped the global healthcare👇🏻
#HealthForAll #WHO75 #HealthDay #fridaymorning
#WorldHealthDay #healthforall #who75 #healthday #fridaymorning
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐡 𝐃𝐚𝐲
#worldhealthday #health #worldhealthorganization #who #staysafe #healthylifestyle #healthday #healthcare #worldhealth #india #stayhealthy #healthy #doctors #healthyliving #healthyfood #healthiswealth #healthyhabits #healthforall #awareness #happy
#pharmaceuticalindustry #pharmacompany #pharmaceuticals #pharma #medicine #pharmacompanies #manufacturers #thirdpartyservices #manufacturing #unimarckpharma #unimarck
#unimarck #unimarckpharma #manufacturing #thirdpartyservices #manufacturers #pharmacompanies #medicine #pharma #pharmaceuticals #pharmacompany #pharmaceuticalindustry #happy #awareness #healthforall #HealthyHabits #healthiswealth #healthyfood #healthyliving #doctors #healthy #stayhealthy #india #worldhealth #healthcare #healthday #healthylifestyle #staysafe #who #worldhealthorganization #health #worldhealthday