📖 O número inaugural da #RomantHis inclui um artigo do nosso doutorando Joaquim Melon Simões sobre as actividades do Conselho de Saúde Pública do Reino em 1837.
Disponível em #AcessoAberto🔓 aqui: http://www.romanthis.pt/numeros.htm
#histodons #HealthHistory #NewPaper #HistMed #PublicHealth #Portugal #HistóriaDaSaúde
#romanthis #acessoaberto #histodons #healthhistory #newpaper #histmed #publichealth #portugal #historiadasaude
📗 Acaba de ser publicado o livro "Olhares cruzados sobre a história da saúde da Idade Média à contemporaneidade", coordenado por Alexandra Esteves e Helena da Silva, e disponível em #AcessoAberto🔓.
A obra resulta de uma conferência co-organizada pelo IHC e o Lab2PT.
#IN2PAST #histodons @histodons
#OpenAccess #HistMed #HealthHistory
#acessoaberto #IN2PAST #histodons #openaccess #histmed #healthhistory
The full programme has been published and registration is now open for the international symposium "Drought, Famine and Portuguese Colonialism in Africa — History and Memory (19th-21st centuries)", which will take place both online and at the National Library of Portugal on 2-3 February.
#histodons #Colonialism #EnvHist #EnvironmentalHistory #Famines #HealthHistory #HistMed #SciHist #Africa #Memory @histodons
ℹ https://ihc.fcsh.unl.pt/en/events/drought-famine-portuguese-colonialism/
#histodons #colonialism #envhist #environmentalhistory #famines #healthhistory #histmed #scihist #africa #memory
By 1845 Irish medical practitioners had mounted an impressive, and successful, defensive action against any encroachment by the Poor Law Commission onto Irish medical territory, and in the process thwarted all attempts to reform the medical charities. #healthhistory