Cliff Wade :novaLauncher: · @cliffwade
1468 followers · 5132 posts · Server

Tomorrow will be one month since I was at the gym last and I can't wait to get back. That's a statement I thought I'd never say as the wife and I just only been on this new journey for about 2 months when all the stuff with her mom happened and then eventually her mom passing away.

Tomorrow, we start the routine again and start from scratch basically as I haven't been eating and doing the right things during this tough time.

#lifeupdate #gym #workout #healthierlife

Last updated 2 years ago

Cliff Wade :novaLauncher: · @cliffwade
1229 followers · 3632 posts · Server

Today was the first day back in the gym after a week.

Only got to go one day last week due to the family stuff that was going on and is still going on.

Today was leg day and to be honest, I feel I did decently good.

I just have to keep at it and keep pushing forward.

#gym #workout #myworkout #cliffsworkout #legday #healthierlife #gethealthy

Last updated 2 years ago

Cliff :SoS: · @Cliff
270 followers · 20 posts · Server

Good to be back in the gym after having to take most of the week off last week for family stuff.

Today was leg day and I feel I did decently well.

#workout #legday #gym #myworkout #cliffsworkout #gethealthier #healthierlife

Last updated 2 years ago