🥳 Congratulations to
Katie Hirono who passed her PhD viva on Friday with no corrections 🎉
The thesis was examined by Prof. John Boswell (University of Southampton) & Prof Sarah Cunnigham-Burley (University of Edinburgh), and supervised by Dr Ellen Stewart (University of Strathclyde) and I.
All pictured below celebrating in Edinburgh 😀
#healthimpactassessments #citizensjuries #equity #health #participation #demopart
@schock I would LOVE to see more #HealthEquity researchers publish about the impact #DesignJustice plays on the #SocialDeterminantsOfHealth
This would make an incredible series of #HealthImpactAssessments and even be a useful tool to rethink how #CommunityHealthNeedsAssessments are conducted
I know #PublicHealth #policy is primarily focused on the ways #PublicPolicy shapes health outcomes but #upstream design and scoping practices often shape many of the disparate impacts we see in the communities that experience inequities. We can't fundamentally change the way our institutions operate unless we interrogate and restructure the design and decision-making processes to adopt more of a #DesignJustice and #ResearchJustice lens
#healthequity #designjustice #SocialDeterminantsOfHealth #healthimpactassessments #communityhealthneedsassessments #publichealth #policy #publicpolicy #upstream #researchjustice #apha #ama #apa #chna