@weinhold @FrankMasurat @tagesspiegel
Genau das, daher #HealthinAllPolicies gerade auch in Verkehrspolitik und Stadtplanung!!
„One Health ist ein integrierter, vereinheitlichender Ansatz, der darauf abzielt, die Gesundheit von Menschen, Tieren und Ökosystemen nachhaltig ins Gleichgewicht zu bringen und zu optimieren.“
#onehealth #publichealth #healthinallpolicies sind alles gute und richtige Schlagworte, die dringend mit Leben gefüllt werden müssen - international - bundesweit - in Ländern und Kommunen!
#OneHealth #publichealth #healthinallpolicies
If ever there was a case for a #HealthInAllPolicies #HiAP briefing, then make it happen for the country's A-Gs: Urgent request for help in protecting children from being locked up and traumatised https://www.croakey.org/urgent-request-for-help-in-protecting-children-from-being-locked-up/
#healthinallpolicies #hiap #raisetheage
As always, we have a strong focus on #SDOH and #HealthInAllPolicies: Albanese Government under pressure from all sides to raise income support payments https://www.croakey.org/albanese-government-under-pressure-from-all-sides-to-raise-income-support-payments/
Just a reminder: if you are interested in health implications of the federal budget, please join with us at @CroakeyNews in using #HealthBudget2023 to share related news & content. Contribute to a collective news feed.
#healthbudget2023 #hiap #healthinallpolicies
Senator David Pocock has delivered a win for health equity – but next steps are critical, writes @joanne_flavel@twitter.com https://www.croakey.org/senator-david-pocock-has-delivered-a-win-for-health-equity-but-next-steps-are-critical/ #HealthInAllPolicies #HealthEquityMatters #SDOH
#healthinallpolicies #healthequitymatters #sdoh
Senator David Pocock has delivered a win for health equity – but next steps are critical
Independent Senator David Pocock's negotiations with the Federal Government on industrial relations
#HealthinAllPolicies #Healthinequalities #poverty #Socialdeterminantsofhealth ##CroakeyNews ##HealthInAllPolicies ##HiAP ##IncomeSupport ##IndustrialRelations ##RaiseTheRate ##SDOH #health
#healthinallpolicies #HealthInequalities #poverty #SocialDeterminantsOfHealth #croakeynews #hiap #incomesupport #industrialrelations #raisetherate #sdoh #health
I'm curious about
...and many more ; )
#introduction #mobility #placemaking #publicspace #socialchange #transdisciplinary #physicalactivity #healthinallpolicies #healthequity #publichealth #urbanhealth #communityhealth #healthpromotion