"The average age of death for people with a #learningDisability who are from an #ethnicMinority is 34 years, just over half the life expectancy of white counterparts, at 62 years of age. Of those with a learning disability who die in hospital, 51% from ethnic minority groups have a ‘Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation’ (DNACPR) recommendation, compared to 73% for those who are white."
#learningdisability #ethnicminority #nhs #healthinequalities
Integrating smoking cessation treatment into routine care for people with mental illness: how will the NHS cope? https://www.nationalelfservice.net/?p=174042
Amelia Talbot summarises a qualitative study on people’s views of integrating smoking cessation treatment into routine care for people with mental illness.
#Smoking #SmokingCessation #MentalHealth #NHSTalkingTherapies #IntegratedCare #RoutineCare #HealthInequalities #MortalityGap
#smoking #smokingcessation #mentalhealth #nhstalkingtherapies #integratedcare #routinecare #healthinequalities #mortalitygap
#UK #CovidInquiry: what we learned from the first week of the hearings
Government’s readiness for #pandemic, #HealthInequalities and testimonies of bereaved families featured at opening of inquiry
#ToryChoices #Brexit #ToryPoliciesInAction #Austerity
#austerity #torypoliciesinaction #brexit #torychoices #healthinequalities #pandemic #covidinquiry #uk
I wrote a thing about #ParksForHealth being shortlisted in the #MJAwards #Camden #Islington #HealthInequalities #Greenspace #PublicRealm
#ParksForHealth #mjawards #camden #islington #healthinequalities #greenspace #publicrealm
Quality, security and affordability: the impact of #housing on #health and #healthinequalities. Important piece in the Times:
#housing #health #healthinequalities
"Use of Correct and Incorrect Methods of Accounting for Age in Studies of Epigenetic Accelerated Aging: Implications and Recommendations for Best Practices" by Krieger et al
#epidemiology #epiverse #healthinequalities #socialdeterminants #HealthyAging
Announcing this year's theme for the new @futureofldn Health and Housing Impact Network: Integrated Care. Register here for our first event. #publichealth #housing #place #healthinequalities
#publichealth #housing #place #healthinequalities
"The Political Economy of
Health: Bringing Political
Science In" by the wonderful Prof Julia Lynch
An important read if we are to make progress in the multidisciplinary field of health inequalities research and action
#equity #healthpolicy #healthinequalities
A paper on the drop in life expectancy in the UK this morning is a surprise to no one who works on health inequality...
"According to the OECD, the UK is now the second most economically unequal country in Europe after Bulgaria. Perhaps we should not be surprised to see that inequality reflected in such wide health inequalities and a declining overall position?"
#epidemiology #epiverse #equity #poverty #healthinequalities
Thrilled to be launching the London Health and #Housing Impact Network which I'm co-chairing with #FutureofLondon. Funded by #ImpactOnUrbanHealth. Cross-sector collaboration to improve health and reduce #HealthInequalities. For more info and to join the mailing list here: https://www.futureoflondon.org.uk/2023/03/01/health-and-housing-impact-network-launch/
#housing #futureoflondon #impactonurbanhealth #healthinequalities
"Why are health and sickness socially patterned across human societies? The embodiment dynamic over the life course"
A brief summary of recent work we've been doing in Toulouse & beyond based on a talk I gave last year
#anthropology #epiverse #health #equity #Embodiment #healthinequalities
"Promoting the health of vulnerable populations: Three steps towards a systems-based re-orientation of public health intervention research"
An interesting framework for linking fundamental research on inequalities to complex interventional research
#equity #Intervention #healthinequalities
Interesting new resource aimed at facilitating intersectional appraoches to research 🔽
The resource is explained in this paper:
"Strengthening the equity focus of applied public health research: introducing the FOR EQUITY platform"
#intersectional #healthpolicy #healthinequalities
ERA4health Call🔈
HealthEquity: Increasing #healthequity through promoting #healthydiets and #physicalactivity
To develop novel strategies & targeted approaches to identify, understand, & modify determinants & mechanisms of diet-related behaviour, physical activity & #sedentarybehaviour, which have the potential to break through the cycles maintaining #unhealthybehaviours and #lifestyles & to reduce #healthinequalities.
Deadline for submission:
14 March 2023, 15:00 CET
#healthinequalities #lifestyles #unhealthybehaviours #sedentarybehaviour #physicalactivity #healthydiets #healthequity
Paper on how a government policies, here its the 'sugar tax', affects social determinants of health, namely gender and area-deprivation:
"Associations between trajectories of obesity prevalence in English primary school children and the UK soft drinks industry levy: An interrupted time series analysis of surveillance data"
#obesity #equity #gender #healthinequalities
I’ve been helping #CamdenCouncil and #IslingtonCouncil with an #MJAwards submission re. their fantastic work to reduce #HealthInequalities through #parks, #greenspace and #publicrealm improvements. So proud of what they have achieved. #community #connection
#camdencouncil #islingtoncouncil #mjawards #healthinequalities #parks #greenspace #publicrealm #community #connection
In France "égalité" is a founding principle of the republic & integrated into the law of the land
The problem is that applying a principle of equality creates inequality
Stating that all people should retire from work at 64 erases differences in Life Expectancy in good health
This old paper from 2008 shows that at 35 years, a worker can expect to live 24 years in good health while an executive can expect to live 34 years in good health
#retraites #healthinequalities
Useful 'education corner' paper when considering health inequities across populations:
"Reflection on modern methods: statistical, policy and ethical implications of using age-standardized health indicators to quantify inequities"
#epidemiology #epiverse #healthinequalities
"The Unequal Pandemic" book by C Bambra, J Lynch and K Smith is *free* to download as a PDF here
#HealthInequalities #Pandemic #Covid
#Covid #pandemic #healthinequalities
Belated #introduction.
I am a #publichealth researcher at the University of Glasgow interested in #mentalhealth #healthinequalities #multimorbidity #cancer #myeloma. I'm currently on #matleave so posts may consist of a mix of work and family life, including #cats.
#cats #matleave #myeloma #cancer #multimorbidity #healthinequalities #mentalhealth #publichealth #introduction