Can you believe the irony? 💔 Just as #AI & large language models stand poised to lighten the load for #HCW, we risk losing more of us to a collapsing system & workforce burnout. 🆘
Time is running out ⏳ #Burnout #HealthIT #MedTwitter #TechForGood
#ai #hcw #burnout #healthit #medtwitter #techforgood
"...MGB’s United Against Racism health equity effort, which is centered on supporting diverse staff, leaders, and systems and multilingual communications. This emphasis on diversity is why it’s critical that digital access coordinators, or DACs, come from the community, said Allison Bryant, the senior medical director for health equity at MGB. People in the role only need to have a high school degree and be proficient in English.”
Document Sharing Across Network Topologies White Paper expands upon the concepts in the Health Information Exchange White Paper by providing additional guidance on how existing document sharing communities can be interconnected to form a unified federated exchange ecosystem. This type of ecosystem typically emerges in environments composed of several jurisdictions that each began developing their own health information exchange and now wish to become interconnected.
Hot topic given #QHIN expanding participation in Nationan #healthIT
The 2006 Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act charged federal officials with creating a system to watch for emerging health threats.
According to a report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office released in June, HHS still has not created the network or developed a road map to do so.
Nightmare: We learn nothing from the pandemic.
#publichealth #preparedness #healthit
I am building a #DataPrivacyDay inspired #healthIT implementation guide on #Privacy #Consent on #FHIR within @IHEIntl
#dataprivacyday #healthit #privacy #consent #fhir
Another one to watch. These things don't tend to go well in healthcare
Missouri drug monitoring program taps Bamboo Health for operations
Every state but Missouri has operated a statewide prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP) for years.
Bamboo Health says it will transition the existing Saint Louis County PDMP, which covers about 85% of the state, to a new statewide PDMP – without a complicated data migration process.
EHRA working on Ideal Clinical Note. I worry that this is just more barriers to patient getting all the details. #patientEmpowerment #HealthIT #EHR
#patientempowerment #healthit #ehr
Check out these results from Security (Sec) at HL7's January Working Group Meeting! @hl7 #HL7WGM #healthIT #interoperability #fhir - via #Whova event app
#hl7wgm #healthit #interoperability #fhir #whova
I am speaking at HL7's January Working Group Meeting. Please check out my talk if you're attending the event! @hl7 #HL7WGM #healthIT #interoperability - via #Whova event app
#hl7wgm #healthit #interoperability #whova
The Draft USCDI v4 is now available and with it comes 20 data elements across 1 new and 8 existing data classes! As a reminder, the USCDI serves as baseline for health information exchange & interoperable health IT. Check it out #USCDI #healthIT
IHE finished 2022 with 16k users from around the world #healthIT #fhir #HIE #interoperability
#healthit #fhir #hie #interoperability
We achieved great things related to #HealthIT last year! Make sure to save the date for our May 22, 2023, CMA Health IT Conference: Powering Value-Based Care. See our full #CMAYearinReview at
A Step toward Interoperability of Health IT #ehr #healthit
"It was hell, but it was an *agile* hell"
—@heatherleslie on the topic of reviewing the whole initial family of screening questionnaire #openEHR archetypes
Hi 👋 I'm a #ProductManager at Firely, a unique company in the #FHIR #HealthIT space. There I'm responsible for:
* Data modelling tools like, #Forge and #FirelyTerminal
* The content of #FHIRDevDays, the exciting yearly FHIR implementer conference
To start off, here's a recent article of explorations with #ChatGPT and FHIR: 🤯
#productmanager #fhir #healthit #forge #firelyterminal #FHIRDevDays #chatgpt
As announced this morning at the #HealthIT Leadership Roundtable, HHS OCR, ONC, FTC, and FDA have updated the #MobileHealthApp Interactive Tool.
Direct link:
Hi! Just have moved to #hachyderm. I observed your recent upgrades from outside and like this open communication, so I felt like to make this my new #fediverse home.
I am a #healthIT professional with 20 years experience in this domain. I am a single dad of a teenage boy and #mixedbreed lady #dog.
Looking forward to see what's happening in this new neighborhood!
#introduction #hl7 #fhir #kubernetes #nerd #security #hiking
#hachyderm #fediverse #healthit #mixedbreed #dog #introduction #hl7 #fhir #kubernetes #nerd #security #hiking