Koochulainn · @Koochulainn
214 followers · 1976 posts · Server mastodon.ie

"We see that you don't want us to sell your data, so here's some of our quality content, which might help change your mind about letting us sell your data."


Last updated 1 year ago

Tech news from Canada · @TechNews
220 followers · 5378 posts · Server mastodon.roitsystems.ca
jackissocool · @jackissocool
22 followers · 93 posts · Server urbanists.social


With my idea, you'd actually have 4 lines, counting the planned W. 25th. And then I'd suggest putting one on E. 55th running N-S. That would connect , my idea for a Superior line, the Red line, and the Blue/Green line. You could have all that implemented in ten years and it would be an enormous improvement to the whole city's transit.

#brt #healthline

Last updated 2 years ago