"Good self-management education is the vaccine for the age of chronic disease."
Our client, Chris Norwood, Founder and Exec. Dir. of Health People in the New York Daily News.
#gac #health #diabetes #healthcare #georgearzt #healthpeople #diabetesmanagement #georgearztcommunications
Over the years Health People met the needs of the community, taking on prevalent health issues, like asthma.
Then, diabetes rates exploded. Overwhelmingly.
Erin Billups & Zoe Slemmons for Spectrum News NY1.
#georgearzt #chrisnorwood #georgearztcommunications #diabetes #healthpeople #diabetesmanagement #diabetesawareness #diabetesprevention
#georgearzt #chrisnorwood #georgearztcommunications #diabetes #healthpeople #diabetesmanagement #diabetesawareness #diabetesprevention
With the number preventable diabetes-linked amputations and vision loss soaring in New York, advocates and patients, under the leadership of Health People, and featuring speakers such as C. Virigina Fields of Black Health, today called on Gov. Kathy Hochul to declare a statewide diabetes health emergency.
#georgearzt #georgearztcommunications #diabetes #diabetesawareness #diabetic #health #healthpeople #governorhochul #kathyhochul #newyork #newyorkcity #nyc #healthemergency #healthcare
#georgearzt #georgearztcommunications #diabetes #diabetesawareness #diabetic #health #healthpeople #governorhochul #KathyHochul #newyork #newyorkcity #nyc #healthemergency #healthcare