#HealthProfessionsEducation Wir suchen Verstärkung für unser pädagogisches Team am Institut für Gesundheits- und Pflegewissenschaft der @ChariteBerlin@twitter.com
#healthequity #antiracism #climatejustice #healthsystemimprovement #QI #patientsafety #transhealth #LGBTQhealth #healthprofessionseducation #meded #interdisciplinarystudies #GPHAP #IHI #Chicago #SDOH #publichealth #democracy
#HealthEquity #antiracism #ClimateJustice #healthsystemimprovement #QI #patientsafety #TransHealth #lgbtqhealth #healthprofessionseducation #MedEd #interdisciplinarystudies #gphap #ihi #chicago #SdOH #publichealth #democracy
Focus here on #SoTL
/ research in #HealthProfessionsEducation across #AlliedHealth but especially #OccupationalTherapy
Teaching and research in #simulation-based education
Student #Assessment nerd also interested in #FeedbackLiteracy
Value and encourage accessible practices (broadly speaking). Always learning.
#feedbackliteracy #assessment #simulation #occupationaltherapy #alliedhealth #healthprofessionseducation #sotl
Turns out I am not so bad at estimation... the time available I could complete one unit for the #AcWriMo win, but not two.
I'm continuing to be excited about the passion of #Disabled people for how #disability is represented in #HealthProfessionsEducation but not to be distracted from present goals.
#healthprofessionseducation #disability #disabled #acwrimo
#AcademicReading today was two episodes of Medical Education Podcasts while driving.
I particularly enjoyed Kinnear talking about his review article on Argumentation Theory and #StudentAssessment #Validity. Having waded through the article recently, it was good to hear the background and vision for the future. Will recommend to my assessment project team as a good intro to this deep article I had already mentioned to them.
#academicreading #studentassessment #validity #healthprofessionseducation #meded
When making research choices - design, analysis, interpretation, and reporting - how conscious are you of the legacy of social science research's impact on minorities?
Wyatt (2022) calls the for us to do better in “The sins of our forefathers”: reimagining research in health professions education
#healthprofessionseducation #meded
#AcademicReading for this evening is Wyatt's (2022) “The sins of our forefathers”: reimagining research in health professions education
#academicreading #healthprofessionseducation #racism
#Academic loving #Research in #HealthProfessionsEducation
#Simulation #SIM & #WorkIntegratedLearning #WIL #Placements in #OccupationalTherapy & #AlliedHealth #weAHP
Projects on SIM #EducationalDesign, #SimulatedPatients, #StudentAssessment, #FeedbackLiteracy, #ClinicalReasoning + more. #Rasch and #Assessment nerd. Growing partnerships for #FirstNations #Indigenous SIM and #CulturalResponsiveness.
#Learner #Disabled #ChronicIllness
Struggles against #academia
#introduction #academic #research #healthprofessionseducation #simulation #sim #workintegratedlearning #wil #Placements #occupationaltherapy #alliedhealth #educationaldesign #simulatedpatients #studentassessment #feedbackliteracy #clinicalreasoning #rasch #firstnations #indigenous #learner #disabled #chronicillness #academia #weahp #assessment #culturalresponsiveness