Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
2954 followers · 9101 posts · Server zirk.us

The plan to wreck the is compounded by its attacks on the , leaving the workforce strategy struggling to get going, due to both a lack of applicants, who (strangely) are put off by the Govt.'s attitude(s) to NHS , alongside a lack of staff to teach them as universities themselves suffer their own problems.

Saving the NHS will require more than just saving the NHS - we need a comprehensive re-valuing of the


#tories #healthservcie #universities #nhs #workers #publicsector

Last updated 1 year ago

Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
1589 followers · 3544 posts · Server zirk.us

I'm spotting a pattern here:

First attempt to wreck the while Health Sec. then on the bankbenches tries to claim to be the voice of reason (and is feted as such by the media) on reform;

now (as chair of the Northern Powerhouse Partnership), ex-Chancellor & stealth cutter of funds to argues that the UK needs to remove the role of the from local Govt

Damascene conversion or more hypocrisy?
take your choice!

#jeremyhunt #healthservcie #healthcare #georgeosborne #localauthorities #treasury #tory

Last updated 1 year ago