Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
2969 followers · 9269 posts · Server zirk.us

More evidence of the effect of the defunding of the :

we can agree that its hard to maintain a functioning if the buildings & equipment are in bad repair or failing.

One way to measure that is the expected cost(s) of meeting current required repairs.

Those maintenance needs that expose the NHS to low risk have actually remained stable while those that offer higher risk of problems have expended.

It will take years & billions of £ to repair the wreckers' work

#tories #nhs #healthservice

Last updated 1 year ago

Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
2845 followers · 8677 posts · Server zirk.us


yes, it all sounds familiar from the doesn't it.... the small-state 'philosophy' (although its more like a prejudice to be frank) which underpins their agressive defunding of the while syphoning off money to their chums is having widespread real wild consequences.... the difficulty is the media often don't want to put 2 + 2 to get 4!

#healthservice #tories #publicsector

Last updated 1 year ago

Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
2782 followers · 8456 posts · Server zirk.us

@KimSJ @Davidjackson

Agreed; starving a model of funding does not provide evidence of the need for reform, ir provides evidence that you cannot run an under-funded !


Last updated 1 year ago

Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
2712 followers · 8215 posts · Server zirk.us

There is a certain irony in the news that the number of senior doctors migrating to better paid jobs with better working conditions is growing.

For years, the UK has 'benefitted' from recruiting staff from poorer countries (who have trained staff) for the the NHS.

Now, we have become one of those countries; as the NHS remans subject of wrecking, defunding & attrition on working lives, so the prospects of working abroad grow.

What goes around, comes around!

#nhs #healthservice #tories

Last updated 1 year ago

Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
2703 followers · 8143 posts · Server zirk.us

The & associated enters a new phase with the consultants' strike.

You may be thinking this is a group who are hardly strapped for cash, but this is a classic result of militancy prompted by bad (political) management.

Like other NHS professionals their pay has fallen by a third in real terms over the last two decades, but the real issue is how the have progressively antagonised all parts of the .

A lack of goodwill puts the focus squarely on pay!

#nhscrisis #strikes #tories #healthservice

Last updated 1 year ago

Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
2646 followers · 7927 posts · Server zirk.us

Following the current strike (yes, I know JDs are misnamed, they're a lot more mature than 'juniors' & have more responsibility), the strike last next week will make it a pretty full spectrum of staff taking strike action....

What is there not to understand?

The needs proper funding, well-paid/happy staff (with reasonable conditions) and an an end to the endless budgetary attrition from the .

#juniordoctors #consultants #nhs #healthservice #tories #SupportTheStrikes #supportournhs #gtto

Last updated 1 year ago

Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
2290 followers · 7170 posts · Server zirk.us

Finally, finally the has a plan which involves a doubling of the training places for & .

This is (perhaps) a decade late, but welcome nonetheless. However, now the Q. is how to retain them once they've been trained?

Here's an idea:
listen to the & pay NHS staff properly!

as has been demonstrated conclusively by the defunding of the , you cannot have a world class system on the cheap.

#nhs #workforce #doctors #nurses #strikers #tories #healthservice #publichealth #SupportTheStrikes

Last updated 1 year ago

Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
2138 followers · 6443 posts · Server zirk.us

If you only read one thing on the today, make it this:

Seven people working in & around the explore the scale & scope of the 's difficulties - they pull few punches & tell it like it is - this is powerful stuff & needs to be widely read;

once you've read it please boost this (or your take own it) so as many people as possible can clearly understand what the wreckers have done in the last decade.

#nhscrisis #nhs #healthservice #tory

Last updated 1 year ago

Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
2112 followers · 6302 posts · Server zirk.us

So what is the latest wheeze from the to address aspects of the ?

yes, appeal to volunteers to help with discharging patients....

So, their workforce plan is to go head-to-head with staff over wages, while reducing investment in other aspects of the , and then expect unpaid, volunteers to replace paid professionals;

Seldom has the defunding strategy been so blatantly applied;

we need to urgently stop the wreckers!


#tories #nhscrisis #nhs #healthservice #gtto

Last updated 1 year ago

Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
2065 followers · 5941 posts · Server zirk.us

Yet more data on the (slef-funded) use of private ;

The plan to make the use of private firms more normal is working; they've engineered an , 'incetvising' those who can pay for private treatment to do so.

Even when they have left office (as they will) their lasting legacy will have been to corrupt & compromise a once world class built on an ice of equal access, replacing it with a tiered service based on wealth!


#healthcare #tories #medical #nhscrisis #healthservice

Last updated 1 year ago

Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
1931 followers · 4970 posts · Server zirk.us


Yes, but of course now I often see side-swipes at the 2012 ceremony by those on the right; similar to (but more toxic than) the general American bemusement at the time about why we would celebrate a


Last updated 2 years ago

Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
1896 followers · 4700 posts · Server zirk.us

More evidence of the wreckers impact on the ... no organisation could function successfully with these levels of staff turnover, especially where roles are best delivered by those with tacit knowledge best gained through experience...

we all know the is not safe in hands, but the evidence is mounting about quite how wide a spectrum of damage has been caused by 12 years of miss-rule & active hostility to what was once a world-leading


#nhs #tory #healthservice

Last updated 2 years ago

Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
1790 followers · 4289 posts · Server zirk.us

More evidence, should you need it of defunding of the ;

At the same time private is trumpeting instant access to health professionals, waiting times on have reached nearly half an hour (on average) with nearly a fifth of callers just giving up;

so now the service the Tories pretended would help deal with capacity issues in the main is also under staffed;

the wreckers continue to laugh all the way to their backers' bank!

#tory #nhs #healthcare #nhs111 #healthservice

Last updated 2 years ago

Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
1738 followers · 4062 posts · Server zirk.us

Another report on the telling us what (surely) we knew already (which doesn't make the analysis any less true, of course).

The proliferation of targets across the makes little positive difference but skews medical/clinical priorities; better to have broader national health priorities...

and so; prevention is better than cure; the needs to refocus 'upstream' to keep people out of in the first place.

But is anything going to change?


#nhs #healthservice #hospital

Last updated 2 years ago

Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
1542 followers · 3378 posts · Server zirk.us

starts today, and so as before; when your appointment has been cancelled, when your has been disrupted, please do not get annoyed at the striking staff.

They have gone on strike as a last resort, after years of attrition towards the and a radical decade long program of defunding of our health service.

Direct your anger & blame towards the & who have been instrumental in causing the

#juniordoctors #strike #healthcare #healthservice #tory #nhs #tories #jeremyhunt #nhscrisis #SupportTheStrikes

Last updated 2 years ago

Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
1499 followers · 3191 posts · Server zirk.us

Another day another revelation about the - a survey suggests half of workers have seen a patient die due to delays in A&E or delays in getting to the scene due to overstretched ambulance services...

The have engineered this crisis & whatever its particular (local) elements behind the crisis is a desire to wreck our !

we need to see the back of these wreckers & soon


#nhscrisis #ambulance #tories #healthservice

Last updated 2 years ago

Arli A P · @arli
81 followers · 146 posts · Server sciencemastodon.com

Our paper from ICORIS conference 2022 has been published. It is about the development of agent, collaborating with Liramedika Hospital. This field of research is going to get more important than ever! 😊. Anyway, you can check the abstract in this link: ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/1 . Thus, If you want to read the paper, please kindly contact me personally. I will send it to you 🙂 @academicchatter @academicsunite @academiamemes

#chatbot #ai #healthservice #healthinformatics #bioinformatics

Last updated 2 years ago

Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
1319 followers · 2466 posts · Server zirk.us

If your friends in have a better experience of their national that we duo currently, this might be part of the issue.

If the spending on by the Govt. matched the per-capita rates in Europe then we'd have spent over a fifth more & the would not be as deep or long-running... yet more proof the are defunding the (should you need it)

#EuropeanUnion #healthservice #healthcare #nhscrisis #tories #nhs #SaveOurNHS

Last updated 2 years ago

Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
1298 followers · 2417 posts · Server zirk.us

It can be no surprise that there is a in the , causing more lost staff-days than - the gap between what professionals want to be able to do & what is possible within a defunded system purposefully put under pressure but the Government is the perfect environment for the ballooning of .... the only answer is to end the attrition on our


#mentalhealthcrisis #nhs #Coronavirus #stress #healthservice #SaveOurNHS #GeneralElectionNow

Last updated 2 years ago

Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
1236 followers · 2224 posts · Server zirk.us

He can't help himself can he?

's lunch-time pledge to make an unprecedented improvement in A&E by spending a £1bn includes:

no new money; so its a case of robbing one part of the to fix a problem in another;

and its only possible to have unprecedented 'improvement' because base line service delivery in health under the has dropped so far that a large (indeed unprecedented) improvement is required to return the service to where it was relatively recently!

#rishisunakpm #healthservice #tories

Last updated 2 years ago