And today, we hit the 14 month mark of #longcovid for me. Figured a good time for a general update. Hopefully, soon, it'll get better. 🤞 #healthupdate #everyshowjoe
#everyshowjoe #healthupdate #LongCovid
I don't know if I over did it or what but I'm really feeling rough today. Just spent the better part of the day in bed. I'm at that stage of recovery where I feel well but am very conscious about pacing myself because I do not want to develop adhesions again. #HealthUpdate not sure if it was the fact I was up doing light exercise the last few days, or from a short drive earlier today or other. I was really hoping to go to my niece's birthday on Friday (as we're the kids).
Got my new #Glasses yesterday. Been adjusting to them ever since. The Rx is correct, but I haven’t worn glasses in 12-ish years so the new perspective is taking a little getting used to. Nice to have an option beyond contacts, but I still don’t prefer glasses. #HealthUpdate
I am feeling somewhat apprehensive as I finally have a date for my long awaited abdominal surgery (Friday), I hope that a) they find the problem and b) that it's fixable. Tbh they sound like they've a fair idea what it is but they just don't want to give me any assurances in case they're wrong or it's not fixable.
I'm always a heap of nerves coming up to general anaesthesia, it just freaks me out and understanding how it works in this case doesn't help. #HealthUpdate #disability #ChronicPain
#healthupdate #disability #chronicpain
My pain medicine specialist has decided I'm ineligible for a Spinal Cord Stimulator, as the area into which he places the leads is too narrow (my spine is fused from T9-S5, from scoliosis and [prior] domestic violence). If United Healthcare cooperates, I want a second opinion consultation, perhaps w/ my orthopedic surgeon or a spinal neurosurgeon who's in-network.
Hey #ATLpeeps, know a great neurosurgeon, N-NE-E quadrant?
#healthupdate #crowdsource #atlanta #atlpeeps #seriouslybummed #beinghopefulanyway
I've now been going to the gym for 2+ weeks now and this morning, I stepped on the scale and was quite shocked at what I saw.
I'm down 6 pounds and for the first time in quite a long time, I'm below 230 pounds. Barely, but barely counts for something and I'm proud of that 6 pounds that I've shed.
#Gym #Workout #HealthUpdate #LifeUpdate #Update #SixPoundsDown
#gym #workout #healthupdate #lifeupdate #update #sixpoundsdown